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The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been endorsed by the ANZCTR. Before participating in a study, talk to your health care provider and refer to this information for consumers
Trial details imported from

For full trial details, please see the original record at

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated

Titles & IDs
Public title
A Study of Safety, Tolerability & Efficacy of Certican in de Novo Heart Transplant (Tx) Patients
Scientific title
Six-month, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-label Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Two Neoral Doses in Addition to Certican and Steroids in de Novo Heart Transplant Recipients
Secondary ID [1] 0 0
Secondary ID [2] 0 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Heart Transplantation 0 0
Condition category
Condition code

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
Comparator / control treatment
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 0 0
Renal function at 6 months post-transplant.
Timepoint [1] 0 0
Secondary outcome [1] 0 0
Incidence of biopsy proven acute rejection =3A at 6 months.
Timepoint [1] 0 0
Secondary outcome [2] 0 0
Incidence of acute rejection associated with hemodynamic compromise at 6 months.
Timepoint [2] 0 0
Secondary outcome [3] 0 0
Incidence of graft loss at 6 months.
Timepoint [3] 0 0
Secondary outcome [4] 0 0
Incidence of death at 6 months.
Timepoint [4] 0 0
Secondary outcome [5] 0 0
Incidence of premature patient withdrawal and study treatment discontinuation at 6 months.
Timepoint [5] 0 0

Key inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria Male or female cardiac patients 18-65 years old undergoing primary heart transplantation.

Females of potential childbearing age must have a negative serum pregnancy test within 7 days prior to enrollment. Effective contraception must be used during the trial and for 6 weeks following discontinuation of the study medication, even where there has been a history of infertility.

Patients who are willing and able to participate in the full course of the study and for whom written informed consent has been obtained.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
65 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria Patients with donor hearts greater than 60 years of age and/or with a cold ischemia time of more than 6 hours and/or donor hearts which have obvious coronary disease or are known to have heart disease at time of transplant.

Patients who are recipients of multiple solid organ transplants, or who are previously received transplanted organs.

Patients who had received any investigational drug or who have been treated with an immunosuppressive drug treatment within 4 weeks prior to study entry.

Patients with serum creatinine level > 250 mol/L. Patients with platelet count = 50,000/mm3 or with a white blood cell count of = 2,500/mm3.

Patients with active systemic infection, according to the investigator judgment, requiring continued therapy.

Patients with a known hypersensitivity to mTOR inhibitors. Patients with Panel Reactive Antibodies = 25%. Presence of severe hypercholesterolemia (= 350mg/dL;=9 mmol/L) or hypertriglyceridemia (= 750 mg/dL; = 8.5 mmol/L).

Presence of any severe allergy requiring acute (within 4 weeks of baseline) or chronic treatment, or hypersensitivity to drugs similar to Certican (e.g., macrolides).

Symptoms of a significant mental illness, which is in the opinion of the investigator may interfere with the patients ability to comply with the protocol. History of drug or alcohol abuse within 1 year of baseline.

Patients with any past (within the last 5 years) or present malignancy other than excised squamous or basal cell carcinoma.

Patients with any history of significant coagulopathy or medical condition requiring long-term anticoagulation after transplantation (low dose of aspirin treatment is allowed).

Abnormal physical or laboratory findings of clinical significance within 2 weeks prior to study entry which would interfere with the objectives of the study.

Inability to cooperate or communicate with the investigator. Female of childbearing potential to who are planning to become pregnant, who are pregnant and/or lactating, who are unwilling to use effective means of contraception.

Breast feeding women. Patients who are recipients of A-B-O incompatible transplants. Patients who are known to have chronic active Hepatitis C (PCR+ only), who are HIV or Hepatitis B surface antigen positive. Laboratory results obtained within 6 months prior to randomization are acceptable.

Recipients of organs from donors who test positive for Hepatitis B surface antigen or Hepatitis C (PCR+ only) are excluded

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Other design features
Phase 3
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Data analysis
Reason for early stopping/withdrawal
Other reasons
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 0 0
- Chermside
Recruitment hospital [2] 0 0
- Darlinghurst
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 0 0
4032 - Chermside
Recruitment postcode(s) [2] 0 0
NSW2010 - Darlinghurst
Recruitment outside Australia
Country [1] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [1] 0 0
Country [2] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [2] 0 0
Country [3] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [3] 0 0
Country [4] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [4] 0 0
Country [5] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [5] 0 0
New Jersey
Country [6] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [6] 0 0
New York
Country [7] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [7] 0 0
North Carolina
Country [8] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [8] 0 0
Country [9] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [9] 0 0
Country [10] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [10] 0 0
Country [11] 0 0
State/province [11] 0 0
Country [12] 0 0
State/province [12] 0 0
Country [13] 0 0
State/province [13] 0 0
Country [14] 0 0
State/province [14] 0 0
Sao Paulo
Country [15] 0 0
State/province [15] 0 0
British Columbia
Country [16] 0 0
State/province [16] 0 0
Country [17] 0 0
State/province [17] 0 0
Country [18] 0 0
State/province [18] 0 0
Country [19] 0 0
State/province [19] 0 0
Country [20] 0 0
State/province [20] 0 0
Country [21] 0 0
State/province [21] 0 0
Country [22] 0 0
State/province [22] 0 0
La Coruna
Country [23] 0 0
State/province [23] 0 0
Country [24] 0 0
State/province [24] 0 0

Funding & Sponsors
Primary sponsor type
Commercial sector/industry
Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Ethics approval
Ethics application status

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 0 0
Address 0 0
Country 0 0
Phone 0 0
Fax 0 0
Email 0 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 0 0
Address 0 0
Country 0 0
Phone 0 0
Fax 0 0
Email 0 0
Contact person for scientific queries

No information has been provided regarding IPD availability

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

TypeCitations or Other Details
Journal Zuckermann A, Wang SS, Ross H, Frigerio M, Eisen H... [More Details]