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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Submitted, not yet approved
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Fear of COVID-19, kinesiophobia, number of step, pain, dyspnea and quality of life in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis
Scientific title
Fear of COVID-19, kinesiophobia, number of step, pain, dyspnea and quality of life in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Secondary ID [1] 306314 0
Nil known
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Fear of contracting COVID-19 325077 0
Kinesiophobia 325078 0
Low step count 325079 0
Pain perception 325080 0
Dyspnea perception 325081 0
Poor quality of life 325082 0
idiopathic scoliosis 325086 0
Condition category
Condition code
Musculoskeletal 322504 322504 0 0
Other muscular and skeletal disorders

Study type
Patient registry
Target follow-up duration
Target follow-up type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
In this study, it was planned to investigate the fear of contracting COVID-19, levels of kinesiophobia, daily number of steps, pain and dyspnea perception, and quality of life in individuals with idiopathic scoliosis. Evaluation of fear of contracting COVID-19, levels of kinesiophobia, daily number of steps, pain and dyspnea perception, and quality of life will be completed within a maximum of one hour at the hospital clinic. Number of steps will be followed-up during 3 days.
Intervention code [1] 322739 0
Not applicable
Comparator / control treatment
No control group.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 330297 0
The status of quality of life which will be evaluated using Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) questionnaire.
Timepoint [1] 330297 0
at survey time
Secondary outcome [1] 405614 0
Fear of contracting COVID-19 which will be evaluated using the Fear of COVID-19 Scale.
Timepoint [1] 405614 0
at survey time
Secondary outcome [2] 405615 0
Presence of kinesiophobia which will be evaluated using Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale.
Timepoint [2] 405615 0
at survey time
Secondary outcome [3] 405616 0
Daily step counts: Daily average step counts during 3 days will be recorded via pedometer applications installed on smartphones. All patients will be asked to carry their smartphones with them during the day and record to their diaries.
Timepoint [3] 405616 0
at survey time, within 3 days after confirming enrolment
Secondary outcome [4] 405617 0
Pain perception which will be evaluated using Numerical Rating Scale
Timepoint [4] 405617 0
At survey time
Secondary outcome [5] 405618 0
Dyspnea perception which will be evaluated using Numerical Rating Scale
Timepoint [5] 405618 0
At survey time

Key inclusion criteria
• Adult individuals aged 18 and over
• Individuals who volunteered to participate in the study
• Individuals diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis
• Individuals who can walk independently
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
• Individuals who have undergone scoliosis surgery
• Individuals with mental problems that may affect cooperation
• Individuals with acute or chronic infections that may affect the evaluations to be made within the scope of the study.
• Individuals participating in any professional sporting activity
• Individuals who have undergone any surgery to prevent walking, have chronic illness, physical or mental disability and/or cognitive impairment, orthopedic/neurological/cardiopulmonary disorders
• Individuals who have had COVID-19
• Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 (Positive Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test results, those with negative PCR test results but compatible with COVID-19 infection with chest X-ray or lung tomography results)
• Individuals with suspected COVID-19
• Pregnant women

Study design
Natural history
Defined population
Statistical methods / analysis
The sample size required for the study was calculated using the Raosoft sample size calculator. Based on the estimated population (98 individuals) and the response distribution of a mean quality of life score of 3.9, the required sample size was found to be at least 58 individuals with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. At the end of the study, statistical analyzes will be made using the SPSS 15.0 program. By using visual (histogram and probability graphs) and analytical methods (Kolmogorov-Smirnov/Shapiro-Wilk tests), the conformity of all variables to normal distribution will be investigated. Descriptive analyzes will be given using frequency (n) and percentage (%) values for categorical variables, median, minimum and maximum values for non-normally distributed variables, mean and standard deviation (×±ss) for normally distributed variables. The Independent Sample t test (Student t test) will be used to compare the variables that fit the normal distribution, the Mann-Whitney U test will be used to compare the data that do not fit, and the Chi-square test will be used to compare the uncountable data. The relationships between the non-normally distributed variables will be determined by Spearman and the relationships between the normally distributed variables will be determined by the Pearson correlation analysis method. The probability of Type I error in statistical analysis will be determined as p<0.05.

Recruitment status
Not yet recruiting
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment outside Australia
Country [1] 24531 0
State/province [1] 24531 0

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 310657 0
Name [1] 310657 0
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Health Practice and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Country [1] 310657 0
Primary sponsor type
Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Mehmet Ali Akman Quarter, 13th street, No. 2, 35140 Güzelyali, Konak, Izmir, Turkey.
Secondary sponsor category [1] 311870 0
Name [1] 311870 0
Address [1] 311870 0
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Health Practice and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Barbaros, Prof. Dr. Sevim Buluç Sokak. Number:2, 17110 Canakkale Center/Canakkale
Country [1] 311870 0
Secondary sponsor category [2] 311871 0
Name [2] 311871 0
Sümeyye Nur ÖZDEN
Address [2] 311871 0
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Health Practice and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Barbaros, Prof. Dr. Sevim Buluç Sokak. Number:2, 17110 Canakkale Center/Canakkale
Country [2] 311871 0
Secondary sponsor category [3] 311872 0
Name [3] 311872 0
Address [3] 311872 0
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Health Practice and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Barbaros, Prof. Dr. Sevim Buluç Sokak. Number:2, 17110 Canakkale Center/Canakkale
Country [3] 311872 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Submitted, not yet approved
Ethics committee name [1] 310251 0
Izmir Democracy University Non-Interventional Clinical Research of the Ethics Committee
Ethics committee address [1] 310251 0
Ethics committee country [1] 310251 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 310251 0
Approval date [1] 310251 0
Ethics approval number [1] 310251 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 117010 0
Address 117010 0
Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Mehmet Ali Akman Quarter, 13th street, No. 2, 35140 Güzelyali, Konak, Izmir, Turkey.
Country 117010 0
Phone 117010 0
Fax 117010 0
+90 232 260 1004
Email 117010 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 117011 0
Address 117011 0
Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Mehmet Ali Akman Quarter, 13th street, No. 2, 35140 Güzelyali, Konak, Izmir, Turkey.
Country 117011 0
Phone 117011 0
Fax 117011 0
+90 232 260 1004
Email 117011 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 117012 0
Address 117012 0
Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Mehmet Ali Akman Quarter, 13th street, No. 2, 35140 Güzelyali, Konak, Izmir, Turkey.
Country 117012 0
Phone 117012 0
Fax 117012 0
+90 232 260 1004
Email 117012 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
No IPD sharing reason/comment: I can not share the data of individuals included in the study in our country within the scope of the personal data protection law.

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.