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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
The PersOnalising gEneTIc Counselling (POETIC) Trial: Testing the implementation and effectiveness of an intervention to personalise genetic counselling
Scientific title
Testing a genetics-specific patient screening tool to personalise cancer genetic counselling and determine the impact on patient empowerment
Secondary ID [1] 305379 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Inherited predisposition to cancer 323829 0
Condition category
Condition code
Human Genetics and Inherited Disorders 321336 321336 0 0
Other human genetics and inherited disorders
Cancer 321606 321606 0 0
Any cancer

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
A hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation trial has been designed to assess the effectiveness of using the Genetic Psychosocial Risk Instrument (GPRI) in genetic counselling appointments while also assessing the implementation strategy. Patients will be randomised to Group 1 (usual care) or Group 2 (GPRI intervention).
Patients attending the Parkville Familial Cancer Centre for genetic testing will be invited to participate. Participants will complete an online baseline questionnaire (Q1) which will facilitate randomisation prior to their first appointment. Group 2 participants will complete the GPRI online for their clinicians’ use during their first and second genetics appointments. The GPRI will be delivered as an online survey and includes 19 items, which have either binary yes/no responses or 5 point Likert scale responses. The tool is estimated to take 5 minutes to complete, and participants will complete the GPRI within 3 days of their genetics appointments. During the first genetics appointment, clinicians will provide genetic counselling including discussion about genetic testing. During the second genetics appointment, clinicians will provide genetic counselling including results of genetic testing. For participants in group 2, their GPRI will be available to the clinician to incorporate into their genetic counselling and provision of care during their first and second genetics appointment.
All participants will be invited to complete three subsequent questionnaires about their experiences throughout the study period: two weeks after their first appointment (Q2), two weeks after their second genetics appointment (Q3), and six months after their second genetics appointment (Q4).
Clinicians will be trained in how to interpret GPRI scores. Training includes attending a 30 minute educational webinar designed especially for this study and a study manual for clinicians is available as a resource.
All appointments will be audio-recorded for duration and for frequency of psychosocial needs identified and addressed by the clinician. After each appointment, clinicians will complete a brief checklist summarising each of the GPRI domains. Clinicians also will be asked to complete a structured interview about their experiences of using the GPRI and the feasibility and sustainability of routine use after the conclusion of the trial.
Clinical and administrative data (e.g., the number and type of referrals for psychosocial support, time taken to write letters to at-risk family members, referrals made for risk management) will be collected to aid health economic analysis.
Intervention code [1] 321850 0
Early detection / Screening
Intervention code [2] 322053 0
Comparator / control treatment
Patients receiving usual care will form the control group who will receive the current standard of genetic counselling where the GPRI is not used.

Genetic counselling is provided by clinicians who are employed in clinical genetics services and include genetic counsellors, clinical geneticists, clinical genetics fellows, and other medical specialists. As described by the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, genetic counselling is a communication process, which aims to help individuals, couples and families understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, familial and reproductive implications of the genetic contribution to specific health conditions. The content and process of genetic counselling is dependent on the skills and experience of the clinician conducting the genetics appointment. Participants in the control group (Group 1) will receive standard genetic counselling, as described above.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 329120 0
Patient empowerment measured by the Genetic Counselling Outcome Scale (GCOS-24). The GCOS-24 is validated to measure change from pre- to post-genetic counselling. A minimum Clinically Important Difference has been established as an increase in GCOS-24 score of 10 points.
Timepoint [1] 329120 0
Baseline, 2 weeks after first genetics appointment, 2 weeks after second genetics appointment, 6 months after receiving genetic test results.
Secondary outcome [1] 401539 0
Patient satisfaction measured using the Genetic Counselling Satisfaction Scale (Elliott et al.. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 2014. 23(5):881-889.)
Timepoint [1] 401539 0
Q2: 2 weeks after first genetics appointment Q3: 2 weeks after second genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [2] 401540 0
Psychosocial impact of receiving genetic test results measured using the Multidimensional Impact of Cancer Risk Assessment (MICRA)
Timepoint [2] 401540 0
Q3: 2 weeks after second genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [3] 401541 0
Patient adaptation to inherited cancer risk measured using the Psychosocial Adaption Scale (PAS)
Timepoint [3] 401541 0
Q3: 2 weeks after second genetics appointment Q4: 6 months after second genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [4] 402346 0
Uptake of cancer risk management strategies measured using purpose designed questions
Timepoint [4] 402346 0
Q4: 6 months after second genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [5] 402347 0
Communication of genetic information to at-risk relatives measured using purpose designed questions
Timepoint [5] 402347 0
Q4: 6 months after second genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [6] 402348 0
Duration of genetics appointment measured by audio recording genetics appointments
Timepoint [6] 402348 0
First and second genetics appointments
Secondary outcome [7] 402349 0
Identification by clinicians of patients' psychosocial needs during an appointment will be measured by a composite of audio recording the genetics appointments and through completion of the clinician checklist
Timepoint [7] 402349 0
Audio recordings: First and second genetics appointments Clinician checklist: After each genetics appointment
Secondary outcome [8] 402350 0
Number of follow up supports provided to patients after genetics appointments will be measured by collecting clinical data
Timepoint [8] 402350 0
At the conclusion of the study
Secondary outcome [9] 403171 0
Types of follow up supports provided to patients after genetics appointments will be measured by collecting clinical data
Timepoint [9] 403171 0
At the conclusion of the study

Key inclusion criteria
• Individuals who have an increased risk of a hereditary cancer syndrome;
• Aged 18 years or older;
• Literate in English;
• Reasonable internet access and capacity to complete computer-based surveys.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
• Have a known cognitive impairment;
• Eligible for the PRiMo study (HREC no. HREC/64060/PMCC; ACTRN12621000009819).

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Allocation is not concealed
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Simple randomisation using a randomisation table created by computer software
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Other design features
Not Applicable
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 20651 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre - Melbourne
Recruitment hospital [2] 20652 0
Royal Melbourne Hospital - City campus - Parkville
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 35441 0
3000 - Melbourne
Recruitment postcode(s) [2] 35442 0
3050 - Parkville

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 309748 0
Government body
Name [1] 309748 0
Victorian Cancer Agency
Country [1] 309748 0
Primary sponsor type
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
305 Grattan Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Secondary sponsor category [1] 310856 0
Name [1] 310856 0
Address [1] 310856 0
Country [1] 310856 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 309504 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Ethics committee address [1] 309504 0
Ethics committee country [1] 309504 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 309504 0
Approval date [1] 309504 0
Ethics approval number [1] 309504 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 114386 0
Dr Laura Forrest
Address 114386 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 305 Grattan St, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Country 114386 0
Phone 114386 0
+61 03 8559 6191
Fax 114386 0
Email 114386 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 114387 0
Laura Forrest
Address 114387 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 305 Grattan St, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Country 114387 0
Phone 114387 0
+61 03 8559 6191
Fax 114387 0
Email 114387 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 114388 0
Laura Forrest
Address 114388 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 305 Grattan St, Melbourne Victoria 3000
Country 114388 0
Phone 114388 0
+61 03 8559 6191
Fax 114388 0
Email 114388 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
No IPD sharing reason/comment: We are unsure what IPD we will produce that may be useful and able to share. We will update this at a later time.

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.