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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Assessing a live microbial therapy for the treatment of Insomnia
Scientific title
A Phase I/II Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess Safety and Efficacy of a Live Biotherapeutic Product (SVT-4A1011) in Adults with Clinically Diagnosed Insomnia
Secondary ID [1] 304701 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Insomnia 322713 0
Sleep disorder 322714 0
Condition category
Condition code
Neurological 320304 320304 0 0
Other neurological disorders

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
The overall study duration consists of a total of 7 weeks consisting of 2 weeks of screening/baseline assessment and 5 weeks of intervention (treatment). Participants will be provided with 3 bottles of either the investigational medicine (SVT-4A1011) or Placebo at Baseline (Day 0) as an oral liquid. Participants will consume 10 mL of SVT-4A1011 or Placebo twice daily, morning and evenings for 35 Days on an empty stomach. Participants will record their adherence to the intervention in a participant diary, along with any adverse events and any concomitant medications taken during the study period. At the end of 35 Days participants will return to the clinic for assessment.
Intervention code [1] 321082 0
Treatment: Drugs
Comparator / control treatment
Participants will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive either SVT-4A1011 or Placebo. The placebo will contain all ingredients that are in SVT-4A1011 except the bacteria, to match the IP SVT-4A1011 in smell, taste and presentation. This will consist of purified water, stevia, sodium chloride and flavour.

Control group

Primary outcome [1] 328155 0
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Assessed by incidence of treatment emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and discontinuations due to adverse events (AEs) - determined from participant diaries and systemic vital sign tolerability: - Blood Pressure and Heart Rate measured by using a sphygmomanometer, - Temperature measured with a thermometer - Respiratory rate counted by the Investigator based on number of times the chest rises in 1 minute with participant in Supine position. Examples of known/possible adverse reactions/events: Human safety and efficacy studies have not yet been conducted with the specific combination of bacteria species present in SVT-4A1011, however, their individual safety for human consumption is well recognised and documented. Each species has a Risk Group 1 Classification in that they are not associated with disease in healthy adults and all have been granted the Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) status by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Potential adverse events that participants may experience include mild gastrointestinal symptoms (including abdominal discomfort, bloating, flatulence and/or nausea), headache and/or drowsiness.
Timepoint [1] 328155 0
Patient reporting and diaries reviewed at Baseline (day 0), Day 14 (mid treatment), and Day 35 (end of treatment). Vital signs assessed at screening (day -14), Baseline (day 0) and day 35 (End of Treatment).
Primary outcome [2] 328156 0
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, but who are otherwise healthy. Assessed by laboratory abnormalities of blood haematological (complete blood count), biochemical parameters (electrolytes, glucose, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulin, bilirubin, urea, urate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium) and Liver Function Tests (LFT).
Timepoint [2] 328156 0
Day 0 (Baseline) and day 35 (end of treatment).
Primary outcome [3] 328161 0
To evaluate the efficacy of twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed by the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) questionnaire and response based on an increase/decrease of the ISI score. The ISI measures severity of both night time and day time components of Insomnia.
Timepoint [3] 328161 0
Baseline (Day 0) and Day 35 (End of Treatment).
Secondary outcome [1] 397929 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs. The Somfit measures a variety of sleep metrics which will be used to determine Sleep Onset Latency (SOL).
Timepoint [1] 397929 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [2] 397932 0
To evaluate change in sleep architecture in response to twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement of sleep architecture based on proportion of the night spent in the various sleep states including Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and Non-REM state (1, 2 or 3), assessed as a composite outcome.
Timepoint [2] 397932 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [3] 397933 0
To evaluate change in rate of hourly arousal events in response to twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs.
Timepoint [3] 397933 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [4] 397936 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively from patient reporting using the sleep diary. The diary measures a variety of sleep metrics and sleep habits which will be used to determine Sleep Onset Latency (SOL).
Timepoint [4] 397936 0
Reported daily over 1 week of the Baseline/Screening period as a Baseline measure and daily during the final week of treatment (Days 28-35). The average score for each week will be compared between Baseline and Days 28-35.
Secondary outcome [5] 397938 0
To evaluate the efficacy of twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed by number of study nights requiring the use of a rescue treatment, in the form of medication or supplement used to support sleep, between placebo and intervention. Use of rescue treatment will be recorded by the participant in their daily diary.
Timepoint [5] 397938 0
Reported daily for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day 0 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [6] 397999 0
Change in daytime functioning through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively using the Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) questionnaire and response based on an increase/decrease of the WSAS score. The WSAS is a clinically validated questionnaire that measures the impact of a person's mental health difficulties on their ability to function in terms of work, home management, social leisure, private leisure and personal or family relationships.
Timepoint [6] 397999 0
Baseline (Day 0) and Day 35 (End of Treatment).
Secondary outcome [7] 398000 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving quality of life through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively using the RAND Item 36 Short Form (SF-36) questionnaire and response based on an total and segmented increase/decrease of the SF-36 scores. The SF-36 is a clinically validated questionnaire that assesses 8 domains of health, including physical functioning, physical role, pain, general health, vitality, social function, emotional role and mental health to give quality of life measures.
Timepoint [7] 398000 0
Baseline (Day 0) and Day 35 (End of Treatment).
Secondary outcome [8] 401466 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs. The Somfit measures a variety of sleep metrics which will be used to determine Wake after sleep onset (WASO).
Timepoint [8] 401466 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [9] 401467 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs. The Somfit measures a variety of sleep metrics which will be used to determine Total Sleep Time (TST).
Timepoint [9] 401467 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [10] 401468 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs. The Somfit measures a variety of sleep metrics which will be used to determine Sleep Efficiency (SE).
Timepoint [10] 401468 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [11] 401469 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs. The Somfit measures a variety of sleep metrics which will be used to determine number of awakenings (nWAK).
Timepoint [11] 401469 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [12] 401470 0
To evaluate change in rate of total arousal events per night in response to twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed objectively using the Somfit device measurement outputs.
Timepoint [12] 401470 0
Collected 4 nights per week for the duration of the study. Days -14 to Day -7 will serve as Baseline measurements and average weekly scores for Days 0 - Day 35 will serve as treatment measurements.
Secondary outcome [13] 401471 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively from patient reporting using the sleep diary. The diary measures a variety of sleep metrics and sleep habits which will be used to determine Wake after sleep onset (WASO).
Timepoint [13] 401471 0
Reported daily over 1 week of the Baseline/Screening period as a Baseline measure and daily during the final week of treatment (Days 28-35). The average score for each week will be compared between Baseline and Days 28-35.
Secondary outcome [14] 401472 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively from patient reporting using the sleep diary. The diary measures a variety of sleep metrics and sleep habits which will be used to determine Total Sleep Time (TST).
Timepoint [14] 401472 0
Reported daily over 1 week of the Baseline/Screening period as a Baseline measure and daily during the final week of treatment (Days 28-35). The average score for each week will be compared between Baseline and Days 28-35.
Secondary outcome [15] 401473 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively from patient reporting using the sleep diary. The diary measures a variety of sleep metrics and sleep habits which will be used to determine Sleep Efficiency (SE).
Timepoint [15] 401473 0
Reported daily over 1 week of the Baseline/Screening period as a Baseline measure and daily during the final week of treatment (Days 28-35). The average score for each week will be compared between Baseline and Days 28-35.
Secondary outcome [16] 401474 0
To evaluate the efficacy of improving sleep quality through twice daily oral consumption of SVT-4A1011 in adult participants with Insomnia, who are otherwise healthy. Efficacy of the intervention will be assessed subjectively from patient reporting using the sleep diary. The diary measures a variety of sleep metrics and sleep habits which will be used to determine number of awakenings (nWAK).
Timepoint [16] 401474 0
Reported daily over 1 week of the Baseline/Screening period as a Baseline measure and daily during the final week of treatment (Days 28-35). The average score for each week will be compared between Baseline and Days 28-35.

Key inclusion criteria
1. Male and female Participants aged 18 to 70 years, capable of providing written informed consent and able to attend the study site on up to 4 separate occasions,
2. Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) score greater than or equal to 8 with insomnia symptoms for more than 3 times per week and present for longer than 3 months,
3. Clinical diagnosis of Insomnia determined by clinical interview conducted by a trained sleep psychologist,
4. Females of childbearing potential (FOCBP) must have a negative pregnancy test at the Baseline Visit. While on the study, FOCBP who engage in activity in which conception is possible, must use one of the approved contraceptive options described below:
a. Hormonal contraception (oral, injection, implant, transdermal patch, vaginal ring),
b. Intrauterine device (IUD),
c. Tubal Ligation,
d. Partner’s Vasectomy, or
e. Barrier method i.e., male or female condom.
5. Male Participants who have not had a vasectomy and who engage in activity in which conception is possible, must use barrier contraception i.e., male condom while on study, or if their partner is FOCBP, the partner can use hormonal contraception, an IUD or have had a tubal ligation.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
70 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. Sleep apnoea (AHI greater than 10) determined by PSG,
2. Medical condition, medication or sleep-related movement disorder that may be causative of the insomnia symptoms,
3. Shift-worker working hours between 10pm and 4am,
4. History of major psychiatric disorder in the past 12 months, such as severe depression, anxiety or other psychopathologic condition based on self-report or depression scores on the DASS21 greater than or equal to 21 or anxiety scores on the DASS21 greater than or equal to 15, except clinically managed mild depression,
5. History of suicide attempt, current suicide ideation or self-harm,
6. History of hypersensitivity or severe adverse reaction including but not limited to anaphylaxis to any ingredients in SVT-4A1011,
7. Skin sensitivity to adhesive or tape,
8. Use of any investigational drug and/or device within 4 weeks of screening or intent to use within the duration of the study,
9. History of any infection requiring hospitalisation, parental antimicrobial therapy, or as otherwise judged clinically significant, within the 3 months prior to screening,
10. Any prior history of septicaemia or bacteraemia,
11. Immunocompromised or those with known or suspected history of immunodeficiency,
12. Any condition that, in the opinion of the Study Coordinator or Investigators, contradicts participation in this study or poses an additional risk to the Participant including any known and /or suspected, current or recent history of uncontrolled clinically significant renal, haematological, gastrointestinal, endocrine, metabolic, pulmonary, cardiac, or neurological disease of presence of alarm systems,
13. Surgical procedure during the baseline/screening period or for the duration of the study unless deemed by the Study Coordinator to be minor and unlikely to impact on the study,
14. A Participant requiring prohibited concomitant medications including prohibited dietary supplements,
15. Females who are pregnant or breastfeeding or planning on becoming pregnant for the study period (screening and treatment),
16. Excessive caffeine or alcohol use, that in the opinion of the investigator or study delegate, contributes to the participant's insomnia,
17. Inability or unwillingness to undergo 2 venepuncture’s (e.g., because of poor tolerability or lack of access to veins),
18. Inability or unwillingness to complete the stool collection kits on 2 occasions.
19. Positive result on urine drug screen.

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Masking / blinding
Blinded (masking used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?
The people receiving the treatment/s
The people administering the treatment/s
The people assessing the outcomes
Intervention assignment
Other design features
Phase 1 / Phase 2
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
The final ISI will be analysed with Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with baseline ISI as the covariate. The null hypothesis is that mean ISI for the Treatment group is equal to mean ISI for the Placebo group. The null hypothesis will be tested against the alternative hypothesis that mean ISI for the Treatment group is not equal to mean ISI for the Placebo group. The assumptions of the ANCOVA such as normally distributed residuals, and constant variance will be assessed graphically with at least a quantile-quantile plot, and residual versus fitted plot. If necessary, rectifying transformations will be applied, or the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test will be used.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 309068 0
Commercial sector/Industry
Name [1] 309068 0
Servatus Ltd
Country [1] 309068 0
Primary sponsor type
Commercial sector/Industry
Servatus Ltd
14 Lomandra Place,
Coolum Beach, 4573
Secondary sponsor category [1] 310637 0
Name [1] 310637 0
Address [1] 310637 0
Country [1] 310637 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 308945 0
Metro North Health Human Research Ethics
Ethics committee address [1] 308945 0
Ethics committee country [1] 308945 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 308945 0
Approval date [1] 308945 0
Ethics approval number [1] 308945 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 112422 0
Dr Irene Szollosi
Address 112422 0
Level 1, Main Building The Prince Charles Hospital 627 Rode Road CHERMSIDE QLD 4032
Country 112422 0
Phone 112422 0
+61 7 3139 6175
Fax 112422 0
Email 112422 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 112423 0
Samantha Coulson
Address 112423 0
Servatus Limited 14 Lomandra Place Coolum Place, 4573 Queensland
Country 112423 0
Phone 112423 0
+61 7 5357 6834
Fax 112423 0
Email 112423 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 112424 0
Irene Szollosi
Address 112424 0
Level 1, Main Building The Prince Charles Hospital 627 Rode Road CHERMSIDE QLD 4032
Country 112424 0
Phone 112424 0
Fax 112424 0
Email 112424 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
No IPD sharing reason/comment: IPD will not be made available as the investigational treatment will be patent pending.

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.