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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Date results provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
The Use of an Advanced Hybrid Closed Loop System in the Management of Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and Sub-optimal Glycaemic Control Aged 12-25
Scientific title
The Use of an Advanced Hybrid Closed Loop System in the Management of Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and Sub-optimal Glycaemic Control
Secondary ID [1] 299409 0
Nil known
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Type 1 Diabetes 314582 0
Poor Glycaemic Control 314685 0
Condition category
Condition code
Metabolic and Endocrine 312924 312924 0 0

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
This is a prospective multicentre randomized controlled, two-arm unblinded, parallel study in free-living conditions, in adolescents with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy.

Participants are randomized in two groups; either the control group (standard therapy) or the intervention group (hybrid closed loop, HCL). The control group will be participants on insulin pump therapy with or without continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

Intervention arm: Medtronic Advanced HCL system for 6 months (8 in-clinic visits in 6 months)
Control arm: Standard care for 6 months (7 in-clinic visits in 6 months)

This will be followed by an optional extension phase for another 6 months when those in the control arm would crossover to the intervention arm.

In view of the recall on insulin pumps with clear retainer rings, the study will use the 780G insulin pump with the same algorithm, which has the added feature of bluetooth wireless communication with the compatible devices in the MiniMedTM 780G System connectivity.
The MiniMedTM 780G Pump works with the following major components: 1) Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) that includes the Guardian Link (3) Transmitter that is connected to the Guardian Sensor (3) to receive sensor glucose values at 5 minute intervals; 2) blood glucose meter (Roche Accu-Chek®) that will be used to calibrate the sensor and has the ability to send blood glucose values wirelessly as a convenience to the user; 3) MiniMedTM Clinical App to allow upload of data wirelessly, for sharing of glucose levels

To maintain the same functionality as the 670G 4.0 pump for the trial, we will not be using the MinimedTM Clinical App.
Intervention code [1] 315657 0
Intervention code [2] 315658 0
Intervention code [3] 315659 0
Comparator / control treatment
Standard care for 6 months follow by an optional extension phase for another 6 months crossover to the intervention arm. Standard care is defined as the current treatment (insulin pump therapy with or without CGM) which the patient is on for at least six months and yet continues to have mean and recent HbA1c above 8.5%. Patients already on Medtronic 670G/780G hybrid closed loop system will not be eligible.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 321523 0
Glycaemic control as measured by HbA1c collected via blood test.
Timepoint [1] 321523 0
At baseline and 6 months post randomisation.
Secondary outcome [1] 375221 0
Changes in retinopathy scores from retinal photography.
Timepoint [1] 375221 0
At randomisation Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [2] 375222 0
Changes in retinal microvascular structure (arteriolar or venular dilation, increased vascular fractal dimension, branching and tortuosity) from retinal photography. This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [2] 375222 0
At randomisation Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [3] 375223 0
Health economic impact of the AHCL system vs standard therapy by collecting the following data during the study: a) Calculate number of hypoglycaemic events b) Changes in HbA1c c) Amount of time spent by investigators with participants (training, education, support) d) Calculating amount of diabetes management consumables used by participants (glucose strips, ketone strips, batteries, sensors, site dressings, lancets, needles, insulin)
Timepoint [3] 375223 0
Baseline At randomisation Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [4] 375485 0
Human factors: adherence patterns as measured by assessing AHCL system data upload completion.
Timepoint [4] 375485 0
At randomisation Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [5] 375857 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated diabetes distress scales: Problem Areas in Diabetes questionnaires
Timepoint [5] 375857 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [6] 375858 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated fear of hypoglycaemia scales: Hypoglycaemia Fear Survey II questionnaires
Timepoint [6] 375858 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [7] 375859 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated general anxiety scales: Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 questionnaires This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [7] 375859 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [8] 375860 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated health status questionnaires: EQ-5D-Y
Timepoint [8] 375860 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [9] 375861 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated diabetes-specific quality of life questionnaires: PedsQL
Timepoint [9] 375861 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [10] 375862 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated treatment satisfaction questionnaires: INSPIRE and Diabetes Technology Questionnaires This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [10] 375862 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [11] 375863 0
Psychosocial well-being measured via validated hypoglycaemia awareness questionnaire: Gold Score Hypoglycaemic Awareness
Timepoint [11] 375863 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [12] 375864 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time <2.8 mmol/L
Timepoint [12] 375864 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [13] 375865 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time <3.3 mmol/L
Timepoint [13] 375865 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [14] 375866 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time <3.9 mmol/L
Timepoint [14] 375866 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [15] 375867 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time 3.9-7.8 mmol/L
Timepoint [15] 375867 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [16] 375868 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time 3.9-10.0mmol/L
Timepoint [16] 375868 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [17] 375869 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time >10.0 mmol/L
Timepoint [17] 375869 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [18] 375870 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time >13.9 mmol/L
Timepoint [18] 375870 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [19] 375871 0
Glycaemic outcomes via CGM data for % CGM time >16.7 mmol/L
Timepoint [19] 375871 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline
Secondary outcome [20] 375872 0
Glycaemic outcomes using Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation of CGM values
Timepoint [20] 375872 0
Baseline Midpoint - 3 months post-baseline Endpoint - 6 months post-baseline Midpoint optional extension phase - 9 months post-baseline Endpoint optional extension phase - 12 months post-baseline

Key inclusion criteria
1. Type 1 diabetes (diagnosis consistent with American Diabetes Association Classification of Diabetes Mellitus, diagnosed at least 1 year ago)
2. Fasting C peptide <0.1nmol/L (in the absence of hypoglycaemia)
3. Pump therapy for at least 6 months
4. Age 12 to 25 years
5. Recent HbA1c above 8.5% in the last 3 months
6. Mean HbA1c above 8.5% for 6 months
7. Willing to follow study instructions
8. Willing to perform at least 3 finger stick blood glucose measurements daily
9. Willing to perform required sensor calibrations
10. Capable of reading and understand instructions in English
11. Living in an area with internet and cellular phone coverage
12. Minimum daily insulin requirement (Total Daily Dose) of greater than or equal to 8 units
Minimum age
12 Years
Maximum age
25 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. Severe DKA in the 6 months prior to the screening visit
2. Use of any non-insulin glucose-lowering agent within the past 3 months
3. Commenced CGM in the 3 months prior to the screening visit
4. Pregnancy or planned pregnancy within the study period
5. Uncontrolled coeliac disease (not following a gluten free diet), or other untreated malabsorption
6. Uncontrolled thyroid disease
7. Clinically-significant gastroparesis
8. Poor visual acuity precluding use of the investigational technology
9. Inability or unwillingness to meet protocol requirements

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Central randomisation by computer
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Dynamic (adaptive) random allocation methods - minimisation
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Other design features
Not Applicable
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
The power calculation is for a parallel study design with two groups of equal size. Based on information in the WA population based database and current data (de Bock et al, accepted JDST 2018), we expect a between group difference of 1.5% in HbA1c at 6 months with a SD of 1.7% for both groups. With alpha set at 0.05, 22 subjects would be required in each group to have 80% power to detect a difference of 1.5%. It is assumed the total dropout rate will be up to 15%, so we plan to recruit 50 subjects in total.

The primary analysis will assess differences in HbA1c (%) with AHCL versus standard therapy, measured six months post-randomisation using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with adjustment for baseline HbA1c. Least square means and least square mean differences and their associated 95% confidence intervals will be presented for each treatment group and between groups.

Model residuals will be used to assess model fit. If the residuals indicate poor model fit, the outcome variable will be transformed and the model refitted and evaluated. If poor model fit cannot be addressed, nonparametric analysis will be performed. In the event that residuals are not normally distributed: the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum) Test will be employed if raw data are symmetric; if raw data are non-symmetric, bootstrap methods will be used to test the difference between groups.

Continuous secondary outcomes (glycaemic, auxological, clinical, psychosocial) will be analysed using the ANCOVA approach described above.

Secondary analysis for outcomes collected at multiple time points will be conducted using linear mixed models including random effects and various variance-covariance structures to account for non-independence. Akaike information criterion (AIC) will be used to determine the most appropriate model.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 14854 0
Perth Children's Hospital - Nedlands
Recruitment hospital [2] 14855 0
The Royal Childrens Hospital - Parkville
Recruitment hospital [3] 14856 0
Womens and Childrens Hospital - North Adelaide
Recruitment hospital [4] 14857 0
The Children's Hospital at Westmead - Westmead
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 28120 0
6009 - Nedlands
Recruitment postcode(s) [2] 28121 0
3052 - Parkville
Recruitment postcode(s) [3] 28122 0
5006 - North Adelaide
Recruitment postcode(s) [4] 28123 0
2145 - Westmead

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 303914 0
Name [1] 303914 0
JDRF Australia
Country [1] 303914 0
Primary sponsor type
Other Collaborative groups
Telethon Kids Institute
Perth Children's Hospital
15 Hospital Avenue
Nedlands 6009 WA
Secondary sponsor category [1] 304066 0
Name [1] 304066 0
Address [1] 304066 0
Country [1] 304066 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 304418 0
Child and Adolescent Health Service HREC
Ethics committee address [1] 304418 0
Ethics committee country [1] 304418 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 304418 0
Approval date [1] 304418 0
Ethics approval number [1] 304418 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 96886 0
Prof Timothy W Jones
Address 96886 0
Perth Children's Hospital 15 Hospital Avenue Nedlands WA 6009
Country 96886 0
Phone 96886 0
+61 864562222
Fax 96886 0
Email 96886 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 96887 0
Julie Dart
Address 96887 0
Telethon Kid's Institute Northern Entrance Perth Children's Hospital 15 Hospital Avenue Nedlands WA 6009
Country 96887 0
Phone 96887 0
+61 864564608
Fax 96887 0
Email 96887 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 96888 0
Mary Abraham
Address 96888 0
Perth Children's Hospital 15 Hospital Avenue Nedlands WA 6009
Country 96888 0
Phone 96888 0
+61 864565027
Fax 96888 0
Email 96888 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
Will there be any conditions when requesting access to individual participant data?
Persons/groups eligible to request access:
Investigators external to the trial will need to submit an application to request for participant data. Guidelines for application will be made available closer to study completion.

Conditions for requesting access:

What individual participant data might be shared?
All de-identified data will be shared as per contract with funding body JDRF as well as sponsoring institution's regulation and policies according to GCP.

What types of analyses could be done with individual participant data?
Translational analyses with proven scientific and ethical rigor identified through the application process.

When can requests for individual participant data be made (start and end dates)?
At completion of the study and publications of primary and secondary outcomes

tentative after Dec 2022 and up to 15 years thereafter.

Where can requests to access individual participant data be made, or data be obtained directly?
Please submit a data request application to Children's Diabetes Centre at Telethon Kids Institute via email [email protected]. Guidelines for application will be made available closer to study completion.

Are there extra considerations when requesting access to individual participant data?

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.