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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Effect of Septal Nasal Deviation on carotid intima media thickness
Scientific title
Effect of Septal Nasal Deviation on carotid intima media thickness
Secondary ID [1] 297484 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
nasal obstruction 311676 0
Nasal septal deviation 311731 0
Condition category
Condition code
Respiratory 310302 310302 0 0
Other respiratory disorders / diseases
Cardiovascular 310303 310303 0 0
Diseases of the vasculature and circulation including the lymphatic system

Study type
Patient registry
Target follow-up duration
Target follow-up type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
We include patients who require nasal septal surgery due to nasal septal deviation. The septoplasty was performed in these patients. However, septoplasty operation is not part of our study and postoperative results were not evaluated in this study. The VAS scale and NOSE scale will be performed to the patient and control groups due to evaluate subjective nasal obstruction. The measurements and questionnaire about this study were performed before nasal septal surgery(septoplasty). Blood cholesterol levels, electrocardiography, and carotid intima-media thickness measurements with B-mode ultrasonography will be performed in both groups.
The questionnaires take approximately 10 minutes. Additionally, the electrocardiography and carotid intima-media thickness measurements take approximately 20 minutes.
Intervention code [1] 313732 0
Diagnosis / Prognosis
Comparator / control treatment
60 healthy volunteers who haven't nasal obstruction as the control group will be included.Septoplasty was not performed participants of the control group.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 319189 0
The severity of nasal obstruction will be evaluated VAS scale.
Timepoint [1] 319189 0
Evaluation of Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in both groups will be performed by the otorhinolaryngologist before the initiation of the study.
Primary outcome [2] 319228 0
Assessment of Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale in participants
Timepoint [2] 319228 0
Assessment of Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale in both groups will be performed by the otorhinolaryngologist before the initiation of the study.
Secondary outcome [1] 367243 0
Electrocardiography measurement will be performed in both groups. The electrocardiography will be performed to define whether cardiac pathology such as arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.
Timepoint [1] 367243 0
Evaluation of the electrocardiography will be performed by the cardiologist in both groups.
Secondary outcome [2] 367384 0
The carotid intima-media thickness measurement with B-mode ultrasonography will be performed in both groups.
Timepoint [2] 367384 0
Assessment of carotid intima-media thickness with B-mode ultrasonography will be performed by the cardiologist in both groups.
Secondary outcome [3] 367564 0
The measurement of blood cholesterol level will be performed in both groups.
Timepoint [3] 367564 0
The measurement will be performed during the preoperative tests in patients.

Key inclusion criteria
Individuals who admitted to our outpatient clinic with the complaint of nasal obstruction and were required septoplasty
as a control group, volunteer individuals without septum deviation or upper airway obstruction
Patients who have BMI under 35
Patients without diagnosed a cardiovascular and pulmonary disease
Patients age: 18-65 years
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
65 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. patients used smoking and alcohol
2. DM, Hypertension
3. hypercholesterolemia
4. Coronary artery disease
5. History of myocardial infarction,
6. Active infection
7. Asthma, allergic rhinitis
8. A history of cerebrovascular disease
9. Immune-related diseases (eg ankylosing spondylitis, SLE, Behçet)
10. Under 18 years and over 65 years
11. Chronic sinusitis,
12. Cardiac diseases
13. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
14. Using ACE inhibitor, Diuretic, angiotensin II receptor blocker and beta blocker
15.Individuals with BMI> 35
16. Patients with a history of known hyperthyroidism
17.Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and patients with poor general condition

Study design
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Not yet recruiting
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment outside Australia
Country [1] 21299 0
State/province [1] 21299 0

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 302051 0
Name [1] 302051 0
Selcuk University, Faculty of medicine hospital
Country [1] 302051 0
Primary sponsor type
Selcuk University, Faculty of medicine hospital
Akademi Mahallesi Yeni Istanbul Caddesi No:313
Selcuk University Alaeddin Keykubat campus
post code:42130
Secondary sponsor category [1] 301860 0
Name [1] 301860 0
Address [1] 301860 0
Country [1] 301860 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 302733 0
Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Ethics committee
Ethics committee address [1] 302733 0
Ethics committee country [1] 302733 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 302733 0
Approval date [1] 302733 0
Ethics approval number [1] 302733 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 91202 0
Dr Bülent Ulusoy
Address 91202 0
Selcuk University, Faculty of medicine hospital Akademi Mahallesi Yeni Istanbul Caddesi No:313 Selcuk University Alaeddin Keykubat campus Selçuklu/Konya post code:42130
Country 91202 0
Phone 91202 0
Fax 91202 0
Email 91202 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 91203 0
Bülent Ulusoy
Address 91203 0
Selcuk University, Faculty of medicine hospital Akademi Mahallesi Yeni Istanbul Caddesi No:313 Selcuk University Alaeddin Keykubat campus Selçuklu/Konya post code:42130
Country 91203 0
Phone 91203 0
Fax 91203 0
Email 91203 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 91204 0
Bülent Ulusoy
Address 91204 0
Selcuk University, Faculty of medicine hospital Akademi Mahallesi Yeni Istanbul Caddesi No:313 Selcuk University Alaeddin Keykubat campus Selçuklu/Konya post code:42130
Country 91204 0
Phone 91204 0
Fax 91204 0
Email 91204 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
No IPD sharing reason/comment: No - IPD will not be available

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.