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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Evaluating the effectiveness of a home based telerehabilitation model for the delivery of Physiotherapy Exercise Programs following Burn Injury
Scientific title
Evaluating the effectiveness of a home based telerehabilitation model for the delivery of Physiotherapy Exercise Programs following Burn Injury
Secondary ID [1] 296676 0
Nil Known
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Burns 310524 0
Condition category
Condition code
Injuries and Accidents 309236 309236 0 0
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation 309252 309252 0 0

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
The intervention will consist of a Physiotherapy exercise program conducted using a telerehabilitation medium after discharge from a hospital admission for a burn injury. Participants in this group will be provided with a home exercise program to continue independently 3 to 5 times per day. Exercise sheets are provided that are individualised per participant based on location of burn injury and the functional level of the participant eg burn to posterior calf, calf stretches prescribed. An exercise DVD entitled “Stretching your limits” will also be provided. This DVD was produced by the RBWH Burn unit and is available free of charge to patients but is available for purchase to external parties through Queensland Health. In addition to this, participants will be provided with a maximum of up to two (2) Telerehabilitation link up sessions per week into the patient’s home conducted by a Burns trained Physiotherapist. The Telerehabilitation sessions will include the provision of an appropriate exercise program consisting of burn specific stretching and strengthening exercises which will be tailormade for the participant based on the location of the burn and the functional level of the participant. The participant will also receive appropriate education and advice. The telerehabilitation sessions will be 60 minutes in duration. The participant will continue this exercise program for a six (6) week period.
The Telerehabilitation intervention will utilise eHAB® (NeoRehab, Brisbane, Australia), a clinically validated telerehabilitation system whose software platform allows multi-point groups and individual assessments. eHAB has been previously validated for limb measurements and ROM in musculoskeletal assessments. A telehealth administration officer will complete a test call to trouble shoot problems with the device or any software or internet connection issues prior to the initial patient interaction. After each Telerehabilitation link up, the Burn Physiotherapist will send an email to the patient with a summary of the treatment plan and any additional aids to encourage the ongoing home exercise program. The participants are required to keep a home exercise diary to highlight how often per day they complete their exercise program.
Intervention code [1] 312992 0
Intervention code [2] 312993 0
Treatment: Other
Comparator / control treatment
Participants in this group will be provided with a home exercise program to continue independently 3 to 5 times per day. Exercise sheets are provided that are individualised per participant based on location of burn injury and the functional level of the participant eg burn to posterior calf, calf stretches prescribed. An exercise DVD entitled “Stretching your limits” will also be provided. This DVD was produced by the RBWH Burn unit and is available free of charge to patients but is available for purchase to external parties through Queensland Health. In addition to this, the patient will be provided with a maximum of up to two (2) face to face Outpatient Physiotherapy sessions per week with either a Burn Physiotherapist at the RBWH (Control subgroup 1) or with a Physiotherapist in their home or regional location (Control subgroup 2) The face to face outpatient Physiotherapy sessions will include the provision of an appropriate exercise program consisting of burn specific stretching and strengthening exercises which will be tailormade for the participant based on the location of the burn and the functional level of the participant. The participant will also receive appropriate education and advice. The face to face sessions will be a maximum of 60 minutes in duration. The participant will continue this exercise program for a six (6) week period. The participants are required to keep a home exercise diary to highlight how often per day they complete their exercise program.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 308204 0
Burn Specific Health Scale–Brief - Health related quality of life measure
Timepoint [1] 308204 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks (primary endpoint) and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Primary outcome [2] 308205 0
Range of Motion will be measured only of joints underlying the burn area of the participant. This will be assessed with a goniometer
Timepoint [2] 308205 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks (primary endpoint) and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Primary outcome [3] 308206 0
Muscle Strength - Grip Strength. Measured using a Jamar dynamometer
Timepoint [3] 308206 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks (primary endpoint) and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [1] 354228 0
Pain score using the Numerical rating scale (NRS)
Timepoint [1] 354228 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [2] 354229 0
AQoL-4D - Assessment of Quality of Life (General Scale)
Timepoint [2] 354229 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [3] 354230 0
Brisbane Burn Scar Impact Profile (BBSIP) - scar assessment scale
Timepoint [3] 354230 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [4] 354231 0
Self Efficacy for exercise scale
Timepoint [4] 354231 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [5] 354232 0
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire This questionnaire has been designed specifically for the Telehealth study we are undertaking and has not been validated.
Timepoint [5] 354232 0
At 6 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [6] 354233 0
Patient Cost analysis diary - to document travel expenses, parking, child care etc related to Physiotherapy appointments
Timepoint [6] 354233 0
At 6 weeks post commencement of intervention
Secondary outcome [7] 354234 0
Therapist Satisfaction survey with Telerehabilitation encounter. This survey asks the therapist about issues such as technical issues, visual or auditory failures encountered with the telehealth system and was designed specifically for this study
Timepoint [7] 354234 0
At the completion of each Telerehabilitation encounter
Secondary outcome [8] 354304 0
Quadriceps Isometric Muscle Strength - measured using a hand held dynamometer (Commander Muscle Tester, JTech, USA) Please note this is a primary outcome measure
Timepoint [8] 354304 0
Prior to intervention commencement and then 6 weeks (primary endpoint) and 12 weeks post commencement of intervention

Key inclusion criteria
Patients eligible for inclusion in this study will be
• Male or Female
• Age > 18 years
• Admitted to the Professor Stuart Pegg Adult Burn Unit, RBWH with a total body surface area burn injury (%TBSA) of < 25%.
• Depth of Burn injury is Partial or Full thickness burn ie requiring > 14 days to heal conservatively or required a split skin graft for healing.
• Area of Burn is over a joint or includes the face, neck or trunk and requires Physiotherapy intervention for contracture prevention and management
• Has access to an internet-enabled computer, tablet or mobile device with web camera / video streaming capability within their own home
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
Patients for whom English is not their primary language and would require an accredited interpreter

Patients with significant visual, hearing, language or cognitive deficits

Patients with concomitant medical conditions that may prevent them from safely completing an exercise program and that may influence the rehabilitation process eg recent myocardial infarction, severe pulmonary disease, concomitant musculoskeletal or neurological conditions

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Allocation will be concealed through the use of opaque, sealed envelopes and will be administered by an independent researcher who is separated at a distance from the clinicians providing the physiotherapy exercise programs in each group.
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Simple randomisation by randomly selecting a sealed envelope from a container
Masking / blinding
Blinded (masking used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

The people assessing the outcomes
Intervention assignment
Other design features
Not Applicable
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
Our sample size would be based on the main outcome measure BSHB-B. In a study conducted by our group previously, we found an effect size of 0.81. Aiming for power > 80%, significance level of < 0.05 (corrected to p<0.016 for three intervention groups) it was calculated that 46 patients are required in each group in order to avoid a Type I error. We will increase this to 50 patients per group to allow for drop outs or missing data, therefore 150 patients will be recruited overall.

Analysis would initially consist of a baseline comparison for age, co-morbidities, %TBSA, hospital length of stay, inhalation injury and highest education level. The outcome measures (BSHS-B) would then be tested for normality and if shown to have normal distribution, parametric statistics would be utilized to analyse group by time interactions of the three cohorts, as well as within-group changes over time. Continuous variables would be analysed by a between/within repeated measures ANOVA and categorical variables by an extended chi-square.

Patient satisfaction rates with Telerehabilitation will be compared with Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Care using appropriate comparative and descriptive statistics including medians, means and percentages. Similar methods will be used for comparison of therapist satisfaction rates with Telerehabilitation versus Standard Outpatient Physiotherapy Care. Telerehabilitation connectivity issues will be described using appropriate descriptive statistics. Patient costs will be calculated from the costs analysis diary and will inform any cost savings to the patient that may be realised by providing the Telerehabilitation service.

Recruitment status
Not yet recruiting
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 12491 0
Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital - Herston
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 24870 0
4029 - Royal Brisbane Hospital

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 301255 0
Name [1] 301255 0
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Physiotherapy Department Research Funding
Country [1] 301255 0
Primary sponsor type
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Physiotherapy Department
Physiotherapy Department
Level 2 Ned Hanlon Building
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Butterfield Street
Herston QLD 4029
Secondary sponsor category [1] 300898 0
Name [1] 300898 0
Address [1] 300898 0
Country [1] 300898 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 301996 0
Human Research Ethics Committee, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Ethics committee address [1] 301996 0
Ethics committee country [1] 301996 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 301996 0
Approval date [1] 301996 0
Ethics approval number [1] 301996 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 88798 0
Ms Anita Plaza
Address 88798 0
Physiotherapy Department Level 2 Ned Hanlon Building Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Butterfield Street Herston QLD 4029
Country 88798 0
Phone 88798 0
+61 7 36464319
Fax 88798 0
Email 88798 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 88799 0
Anita Plaza
Address 88799 0
Physiotherapy Department Level 2 Ned Hanlon Building Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Butterfield Street Herston QLD 4029
Country 88799 0
Phone 88799 0
+61 7 36464319
Fax 88799 0
Email 88799 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 88800 0
Anita Plaza
Address 88800 0
Physiotherapy Department Level 2 Ned Hanlon Building Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Butterfield Street Herston QLD 4029
Country 88800 0
Phone 88800 0
+61 7 36464319
Fax 88800 0
Email 88800 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.