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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Retrospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Oral Ketamine Trial on people aged 16 years and older with Treatment-Resistant Depression
Scientific title
An open-label clinical trial of oral ketamine, an NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor antagonist on depressive symptomatology in people aged 16 years and older who are experiencing treatment-resistant depression.
Secondary ID [1] 299994 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Treatment-Resistant Depression 315484 0
Condition category
Condition code
Mental Health 313773 313773 0 0

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
This study is an open-label, dose-ranging clinical trial aiming to explore the feasibility, tolerability, and safety of low-dose oral ketamine on treatment-resistant depression. In this 8-week trial, participants will undergo 6 weeks of active treatment followed by 2 follow-up assessments.

Participants (N = 25-50) will receive low-dose liquid oral ketamine (OK) in water or flavoured drink once a week over a 6-week period (6 OK treatments in total). The initial dose will be 0.5mg per kilogram of bodyweight, after which dose will be increased by 0.1mg – 1.0mg/kg in each treatment, with a maximum dose of 3.0mg/kg.

Oral ketamine will be administered on-site by the psychiatrist as per the dosage protocol on routine basis but can be administered by the mental health nurse practitioner as directed by the psychiatrist. The participants will be observed at Thompson Institute for up to two hours after the drug administration. An accountability logbook and controlled drug register (as per Queensland Governmental regulations) for ketamine will be maintained throughout the trial. If a participant is unable to attend or misses a ketamine treatment, details of the deviation will be recorded in the source documentation. Participants will be withdrawn from the study if they miss more than 2 ketamine treatments.
Intervention code [1] 319730 0
Treatment: Drugs
Comparator / control treatment
No control group
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 326522 0
Clinician-rated depressive symptomatology will be assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D),
Timepoint [1] 326522 0
The HAM-D will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) (primary endpoint) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Primary outcome [2] 326527 0
Participant-rated depression symptoms will be measured using the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Rating (IDS-SR) as the primary outcome measure in this project.
Timepoint [2] 326527 0
The IDS-SR will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • 30-60 minutes after ketamine treatment • Phone call one: 24 hours post-ketamine treatment • Phone call two: +4-5 days post-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) (primary endpoint) • Follow-up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [1] 391793 0
Neurobiological effects of ketamine treatment as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Timepoint [1] 391793 0
MRI will be collected at 3 timepoints: • Baseline (week 0) • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [2] 391826 0
Psychiatric side effects of ketamine treatment as assessed using psychiatric safety scales: Clinician-Administered Dissociative States Scale (CADSS), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [2] 391826 0
The CADSS, BPRS, YMRS will be administered at the following time points: • Within 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • Phone call one: 24 hours post-ketamine treatment • Phone call two: +4-5 days post-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-up 2 (2 week after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [3] 391827 0
Clinically rated suicidality as assessed by the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS).
Timepoint [3] 391827 0
The BSS will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [4] 391828 0
Social and occupational functioning as assessed by Social and Occupational Assessment Scale (SOFAS).
Timepoint [4] 391828 0
SOFAS will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [5] 391829 0
Depression, assessed using the Depression subscale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21).
Timepoint [5] 391829 0
The DASS-21 will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • 30-60 minutes after receiving ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [6] 391830 0
Anxiety, assessed by anxiety subscale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21)
Timepoint [6] 391830 0
The DASS-21 will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • 30-60 minutes after receiving ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [7] 391831 0
Self-rated stress, assessed through the stress subscale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21)
Timepoint [7] 391831 0
The DASS-21 will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • 30-60 minutes after receiving ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [8] 391832 0
Global wellbeing, assessed using the World Health Organization Wellbeing Index (WHO-5).
Timepoint [8] 391832 0
The WHO-5 will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • 30-60 minutes pre-ketamine treatment • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [9] 391833 0
Electroencephalography (EEG) will be used to assess changes in neural network communication from BAS to FUP1 and FUP2
Timepoint [9] 391833 0
EEG will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [10] 391834 0
Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) will be used to assess cognitive functioning such as attention, working memory, speed of processing, and executive functioning. This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [10] 391834 0
The computerized cognitive battery will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline (week 0) • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-Up 2 (2 weeks after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [11] 391835 0
Clinical side effects, assessed using the symptom tolerability scale: Frequency, Intensity, Burden of Side Effects Rating (FIBSER).
Timepoint [11] 391835 0
The FIBSER will be administered at the following time points: • Within 30-60 minutes of receiving ketamine treatment • Phone call one: 24 hours post-ketamine treatment • Phone call two: +4-5 days post-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-up 2 (2 week after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [12] 391836 0
Clinical side effects, assessed using the symptom tolerability scale: Patient Rated Inventory of Side Effects (PRISE).
Timepoint [12] 391836 0
The PRISE will be administered at the following time points: •Within 30-60 minutes of receiving ketamine treatment • Phone call one: 24 hours post-ketamine treatment • Phone call two: +4-5 days post-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-up 2 (2 week after final ketamine treatment)
Secondary outcome [13] 391837 0
Bladder pain and cystitis as measured by the Bladder Pain/Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Score (BPIC-SS). This is a composite secondary outcome.
Timepoint [13] 391837 0
The BPIC-SS will be administered at the following time points: • Baseline • Within 30-60 minutes of receiving ketamine treatment • Phone call one: 24 hours post-ketamine treatment • Phone call two: +4-5 days post-ketamine treatment • Follow-up 1 (1 week after final ketamine treatment) • Follow-up 2 (2 week after final ketamine treatment)

Key inclusion criteria
•Patients who suffer from TRD and determined by cut-off scores of: 17 for the HAM-D
•Persons (male/female/other) aged 16 years and over
•Participants must be able to understand the Participant Information Form (PIF) and provide written informed consent on the Participant Consent Form (PCF)

Minimum age
16 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
• Persons under 16 years of age
Psychiatric conditions
• Psychosis
• Mania/hypomania
• Acute suicidality requiring urgent psychiatric intervention
• History of ketamine use disorder
• Recovery from a substance use disorder within prior 6 months

Physical conditions
• Uncontrolled/severe symptomatic cardiovascular disease states including: recent myocardial infarction (within prior 6 months); history of stroke; and hypertension (resting blood pressure >150/100)
• History of intracranial mass, intracranial haemorrhage/stroke, cerebral trauma/traumatic brain injury or increased intracranial pressure (as assessed by referring general practitioner)
• Liver function test (LFT) results out of normal range, as specified below:
• ALT: >135 U/L
• AST: >123 U/
• GAMMA GT (GGT) male participants: >210 U/L
• GAMMA GT (GGT) – female participants: >135 U/L
• ALBUMIN (A): <25g/L and >150g/L
• ALK PHOS (ALP): >345 U/L
• Previous reaction to ketamine (as reported by referring general practitioner and participant)
• Pregnant women
• Breastfeeding women
• History of epilepsy or unexplained seizures

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Non-randomised trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Allocation is not concealed
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Single group
Other design features
Phase 2
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
Statistical Analyses will include generalised linear models (GLMs), analysis of the relative change index, Frequentist statistics, and Bayesian statistics. A significance level of .05 will be utilized where required. Data will be inspected for outliers and any spurious data will be corrected or removed prior to analysis. A detailed data analysis plan will be constructed.

Recruitment status
Stopped early
Data analysis
Data collected is being analysed
Reason for early stopping/withdrawal
Lack of funding/staff/facilities
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 300888 0
Name [1] 300888 0
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast
Country [1] 300888 0
Primary sponsor type
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast
12 Innovation Parkway,
Birtinya QLD 4575
Secondary sponsor category [1] 300452 0
Name [1] 300452 0
Address [1] 300452 0
Country [1] 300452 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 301661 0
Metro North Health Human Research Ethics Committee
Ethics committee address [1] 301661 0
Ethics committee country [1] 301661 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 301661 0
Approval date [1] 301661 0
Ethics approval number [1] 301661 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 87702 0
Dr Adem Can
Address 87702 0
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast 12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya QLD 4575
Country 87702 0
Phone 87702 0
+61 0754 565385
Fax 87702 0
Email 87702 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 87703 0
Trish Wilson
Address 87703 0
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast 12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya QLD 4575
Country 87703 0
Phone 87703 0
+61 07 5456 3893
Fax 87703 0
Email 87703 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 87704 0
Dr Adem Can
Address 87704 0
Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast 12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya QLD 4575
Country 87704 0
Phone 87704 0
+61 07 5456 3893
Fax 87704 0
Email 87704 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.