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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Pharmacologically Targeting Sleep Spindles to Improve Cognition in Ageing
Scientific title
Pharmacologically Targeting Sleep Spindles to Improve Cognition in Ageing
Secondary ID [1] 295339 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Cognitively-intact ageing cohort which includes adults with and without subjective memory complaints 308545 0
Condition category
Condition code
Neurological 307512 307512 0 0

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
This proof of concept study will test a drug intervention to boost sleep spindle brain activity during non-REM sleep and to improve memory consolidation in cognitively-intact older adults.

Zolpidem (5mg) a short-acting, non-benzodiazepine, will be administered orally. Zolpidem is a widely prescribed hypnotic, has a low risk of dependence, fewer side effects than benzodiazepines and is safe for long-term use.

Zolpidem and placebo will be administered orally in the evening prior to the 8-hour sleep opportunity on two nights in a randomised order with a 5-10 day washout between administration.

Participants’ sleep will be monitored in an overnight study in the laboratory
using high-density electroencephalography (EEG).
Intervention code [1] 301663 0
Treatment: Drugs
Comparator / control treatment
A matched placebo compounded from mircocrystalline cellulose will be administered in a randomised order with a 5-10 day washout between administration.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 307828 0
Change in overnight memory consolidation scores (declarative and procedural) as assessed by word-pair association declarative task and finger tapping task.
Timepoint [1] 307828 0
At Visit 1 and Visit 2
Secondary outcome [1] 348658 0
Change in sleep spindle density per minute of NREM (defined as N2 and N3) as assessed by high-density electroencephalography.
Timepoint [1] 348658 0
At Visit 1 and Visit 2
Secondary outcome [2] 441074 0
Tertiary outcome: Declarative memory (evening and morning recall total) pre and post sleep scores measured word-pair association declarative task
Timepoint [2] 441074 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [3] 441075 0
Tertiary outcome: Sleep macroarchitecture metrics measured by EEG: Amount and percentage of sleep stages 1-3, NREM sleep, REM sleep, arousal index (total, REM and NREM)
Timepoint [3] 441075 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [4] 441076 0
Tertiary outcome: Sleep macroarchitecture metrics measured by EEG: Amount and percentage of sleep stages 1-3, NREM sleep, REM sleep, arousal index (total, REM and NREM)
Timepoint [4] 441076 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [5] 441077 0
Tertiary outcome: Sleep spindle event metrics in NREM (N2 and N3) sleep derived from sleep EEG (mean sleep spindle duration (s) and mean peak-to-peak amplitude (µV)).
Timepoint [5] 441077 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [6] 441079 0
Tertiary outcome: Slow oscillation events in NREM sleep derived from sleep EEG (event markers are slow oscillation count per minute (n/min), mean slow oscillation duration (s) and mean peak-to-peak amplitude (µV))
Timepoint [6] 441079 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [7] 441080 0
Tertiary outcome: Slow oscillation events in NREM sleep derived from sleep EEG (event markers are slow oscillation count per minute (n/min), mean slow oscillation duration (s) and mean peak-to-peak amplitude (µV))
Timepoint [7] 441080 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [8] 441081 0
Tertiary outcome: Sleep spindle and slow oscillation coupling events measured by EEG (metrics of interest are: (i) coupled spindle density (calculated as the count of spindles that are coupled to a slow oscillation per minute; n/min); (ii) ratio of coupled spindles to total slow oscillations; and (iii) ratio of coupled spindles to total spindles (%))
Timepoint [8] 441081 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [9] 441083 0
Tertiary outcome: Global and regional EEG power during NREM and REM sleep (high-density EEG, spectral power for frequency ranges delta:1-4.5Hz; theta: 4.5-8Hz; alpha: 8-12Hz; sigma: 12-15 Hz; beta: 15-25 Hz; gamma: 25-40Hz). Measured by EEG. Calculated by fast-fourier transform.
Timepoint [9] 441083 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [10] 441084 0
Tertiary outcome: Global and regional EEG power during NREM and REM sleep (high-density EEG, spectral power for frequency ranges delta:1-4.5Hz; theta: 4.5-8Hz; alpha: 8-12Hz; sigma: 12-15 Hz; beta: 15-25 Hz; gamma: 25-40Hz). Measured by EEG. Calculated by fast-fourier transform.
Timepoint [10] 441084 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [11] 441085 0
Tertiary outcome: Actigraphy activity and rest metrics measured by a wrist worn actigraphy device
Timepoint [11] 441085 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [12] 441086 0
Tertiary outcome: Actigraphy activity and rest metrics measured by a wrist worn actigraphy device
Timepoint [12] 441086 0
1 week prior to visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [13] 441087 0
Tertiary outcome: Epworth Sleepiness Scale score
Timepoint [13] 441087 0
1 week prior to visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [14] 441088 0
Tertiary outcome: Epworth Sleepiness Scale score
Timepoint [14] 441088 0
visit 1
Secondary outcome [15] 441089 0
Tertiary outcomes: Karolinska Sleepiness Scale before and after sleep
Timepoint [15] 441089 0
visit 1
Secondary outcome [16] 441090 0
Tertiary outcomes: Karolinska Sleepiness Scale before and after sleep
Timepoint [16] 441090 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [17] 441091 0
Tertiary outcome: Procedural memory (pre and post-training learning score) pre and post sleep scores measured by the finger tapping task.
Timepoint [17] 441091 0
visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [18] 441092 0
Tertiary outcome: Procedural memory (pre and post-training learning score) pre and post sleep scores measured by the finger tapping task.
Timepoint [18] 441092 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [19] 441093 0
Tertiary outcome: Respiratory metrics measured by respiratory flow and oximetry: AHI, ODI
Timepoint [19] 441093 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [20] 441095 0
Tertiary outcome: Karolinska sleep diary activity and rest metrics
Timepoint [20] 441095 0
visit 1 and 2
Secondary outcome [21] 441096 0
Tertiary outcome: Karolinska sleep diary activity and rest metrics
Timepoint [21] 441096 0
1 week prior to visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [22] 441097 0
Tertiary outcome: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Timepoint [22] 441097 0
1 week prior to visit 1 and visit 2
Secondary outcome [23] 441098 0
Tertiary outcome: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Timepoint [23] 441098 0
visit 1
Secondary outcome [24] 441099 0
Tertiary outcome: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 item
Timepoint [24] 441099 0
visit 1
Secondary outcome [25] 441101 0
Tertiary outcomes: Resting wake EEG power (high-density EEG recordings - Karolinska Drowsiness Test) (high-density EEG, spectral power for frequency ranges delta:1-4.5Hz; theta: 4.5-8Hz; alpha: 8-12Hz; sigma: 12-15 Hz; beta: 15-25 Hz; gamma: 25-40Hz).
Timepoint [25] 441101 0
visit 1
Secondary outcome [26] 441102 0
Tertiary outcomes: Resting wake EEG power (high-density EEG recordings - Karolinska Drowsiness Test) (high-density EEG, spectral power for frequency ranges delta:1-4.5Hz; theta: 4.5-8Hz; alpha: 8-12Hz; sigma: 12-15 Hz; beta: 15-25 Hz; gamma: 25-40Hz).
Timepoint [26] 441102 0
visit 1 and 2

Key inclusion criteria
1. Males and Females;
2. Age 50-75;
3. Ability to perform neurobehavioural tests;
4. Able to give informed consent;
5. Fluent in English;
6. Cognitively intact (may have subjective memory complaint)
Minimum age
50 Years
Maximum age
75 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. Mild cognitive impairment, suspected or confirmed dementia or Mini Mental State Examination <24 ;
2. History of cerebrovascular events (e.g. stroke, TIA) associated with persisting cognitive changes
3. Neurological disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s Disease, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis)
4. Myasthenia Gravis
5. Severe hepatic impairment
6. Acute ± severe pulmonary insufficiency
7. Head trauma with associated loss of consciousness > 30 mins
8. Psychiatric disorder including; Bipolar Disorder (I and II) and schizophrenia
9. Current major depressive episode
10. Currently regularly taking regular benzodiazepines, sedatives and hypnotics, and other sleep-affecting medications or any centrally active medications including anti-depressants /polypharmacy.
11. Current substance abuse or dependence (alcohol and/or other illicit substances)
12. Shift-work or trans-meridian travel within 14 days of assessment
13. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and other sleep disorders;
14. Severe insomnia (insomnia severity index score of 22 or more)
15. Contraindication to MRI scanning.
16. Clinically significant medical condition that may hinder compliance with protocol as determined by the study physician.
17. Pregnancy

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Randomisation log.
Numbered containers
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Simple randomisation using a randomisation table created by computer software.

Secure randomization will be achieved through Research Tools. Participants will be enrolled sequentially according to a computer-generated randomization list using a random block size (2, 4 or 6) that is not available to staff who enroll participants. A unique participant randomization number will be assigned sequentially, in ascending order and will comprise a three-digit number prefixed by "r" (e.g. R001, R002 etc.). This randomization number will be used to internally identify the treatment group the participant is assigned to.
At randomization, the randomization module in Research Tools system requires that the trial coordinator enter a screening number and then confirm that the displayed participant name and DOB match the participant they intend to randomize. All previously entered eligibility data are then automatically assessed. If the participant meets all inclusion and none of the exclusion criteria, then the trial unblinded researcher is able to commit online to automatically randomizing the participant. Once this occurs, the participant is irrevocably allocated the next available randomization number and previously concealed treatment assignment. Both the randomization number and allocated treatment are then displayed and permanently recorded against that participant's online record.
Masking / blinding
Blinded (masking used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?
The people receiving the treatment/s
The people administering the treatment/s
The people assessing the outcomes
The people analysing the results/data
Intervention assignment
Other design features
Phase 1
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
24 participants completing a crossover study (aim to recruit 26 to allow for withdrawals and missing data) will provide sufficient power to detect a moderate effect size of 0.6 standard deviations with 80% power and an adjusted two-tailed significance level to 0.05 for two primary outcomes. This sample of 24 patients is powered to show moderately strong correlations (Pearson’s r of 0.52 and above).

The primary outcome will be compared between treatment and placebo conditions by paired t-test.

To study if spindle density influences individual variability in subjective memory impairment we will use bivariate correlations to relate Zolpidem minus placebo differences in spindles to Zolpidem minus placebo differences in performance on the Word Pairs task and the Finger Tapping Task.

Variables will be transformed as necessary to satisfy assumptions of the analyses used.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 11254 0
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research - Glebe
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 23131 0
2037 - Glebe

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 299932 0
Government body
Name [1] 299932 0
Country [1] 299932 0
Funding source category [2] 299933 0
Other Collaborative groups
Name [2] 299933 0
Neurosleep NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence
Country [2] 299933 0
Primary sponsor type
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research
431 Glebe Point Road. Glebe. NSW 2037
Secondary sponsor category [1] 304655 0
Name [1] 304655 0
Address [1] 304655 0
Country [1] 304655 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 300799 0
SLHD RPA - Research Ethics and Governance Office
Ethics committee address [1] 300799 0
Ethics committee country [1] 300799 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 300799 0
Approval date [1] 300799 0
Ethics approval number [1] 300799 0
X19-0138 & 2019/ETH00569

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 84850 0
Prof Ronald Grunstein
Address 84850 0
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. 431 Glebe Point Rd Glebe. NSW. 2037
Country 84850 0
Phone 84850 0
Fax 84850 0
Email 84850 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 84851 0
Angela D'Rozario
Address 84851 0
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. 431 Glebe Point Rd Glebe. NSW. 2037
Country 84851 0
Phone 84851 0
Fax 84851 0
Email 84851 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 84852 0
Angela D'Rozario
Address 84852 0
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. 431 Glebe Point Rd Glebe. NSW. 2037
Country 84852 0
Phone 84852 0
Fax 84852 0
Email 84852 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
Will there be any conditions when requesting access to individual participant data?
Persons/groups eligible to request access:
Data will be made available upon request, after publication and will be determined upon negotiation with researchers who provided a methodologically sound proposal.

Conditions for requesting access:

What individual participant data might be shared?
Individual participant underlying published results only.

What types of analyses could be done with individual participant data?
Any purpose.

When can requests for individual participant data be made (start and end dates)?
Data will be made available upon request, after publication, with no end date determined.


Where can requests to access individual participant data be made, or data be obtained directly?
Secure data transfer and signed data access agreement.

Are there extra considerations when requesting access to individual participant data?

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.