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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Improving alcohol treatment outcomes: The effect of individual patient characteristics, treatment and system variables on alcohol treatment outcomes in patients attending specialist alcohol treatment service.
Scientific title
Improving alcohol treatment outcomes: The effect of individual patient characteristics, treatment and system variables on alcohol treatment outcomes in patients attending specialist alcohol treatment service.
Secondary ID [1] 289635 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Addiction 299426 0
Alcoholism 299428 0
Condition category
Condition code
Mental Health 299408 299408 0 0

Study type
Patient registry
Target follow-up duration
Target follow-up type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
Clients will be asked to complete an iPad survey at baseline while waiting for their appointment at the clinic. A telephone survey will be completed at 3 months follow up. The primary outcome measure will be the number of heavy drinking days (> 5 drinks per day) in past 14 days.
Secondary outcome measures will include the number of drinking days; total alcohol consumption; and health related quality of life. Predictor variables will include client (e.g. demographics, substance use), intervention (e.g. treatment type), and system-­level variables (e.g. process of care). The relationship between predictor and outcome variables will be examined within a multilevel modelling framework.
Intervention code [1] 295250 0
Not applicable
Comparator / control treatment
Not Applicable
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 298884 0
Number of heavy drinking days (>5 drinks per day) in the previous 2 week. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study
Timepoint [1] 298884 0
Baseline and 3 months post-recruitment
Primary outcome [2] 298984 0
Number of drinking days in the past 2 weeks. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study
Timepoint [2] 298984 0
Baseline and 3 month post-recruitment
Primary outcome [3] 298985 0
Total alcohol consumption in the previous 2 weeks. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study
Timepoint [3] 298985 0
Baseline and 3 month post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [1] 325818 0
Severity of alcohol dependence measured by Audit C
Timepoint [1] 325818 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [2] 325819 0
Health-related quality of life measured by SF-8
Timepoint [2] 325819 0
Baseline and 3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [3] 325820 0
Other drug use as measure by ATOP
Timepoint [3] 325820 0
Baseline and 3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [4] 325821 0
Treatment provided for withdrawal measured by a client medical record audit.
Timepoint [4] 325821 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [5] 326743 0
Type of treatment provided for withdrawal measured by client medical record audit.
Timepoint [5] 326743 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [6] 326744 0
Proposed and actual length of treatment for withdrawal measured by clinical medical record audit
Timepoint [6] 326744 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [7] 326745 0
Characteristics of treatment episodes measured by clinical medical record audit
Timepoint [7] 326745 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [8] 326746 0
Adherence to pharmacotherapies measured by clinical medical record audit
Timepoint [8] 326746 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [9] 326747 0
Quality of the therapeutic relationship measured by the Working Alliance Inventory in the client follow-up and staff survey.
Timepoint [9] 326747 0
3 months-post recruitment for clients and once 50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [10] 326748 0
Use of biological confirmation of abstinence as part of treatment measured by clients medical record audit
Timepoint [10] 326748 0
3 months post-recruitment
Secondary outcome [11] 326749 0
Staff turn over. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [11] 326749 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [12] 326750 0
Staff supervision. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [12] 326750 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [13] 326751 0
Number and type of peripheral services. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [13] 326751 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [14] 326752 0
Teaching status. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [14] 326752 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [15] 326753 0
Continuity of care. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [15] 326753 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [16] 326754 0
Participation in clinical trials. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [16] 326754 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [17] 326755 0
Geographic location. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [17] 326755 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [18] 326756 0
Funding type. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [18] 326756 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [19] 326757 0
Number of clients treated per year. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [19] 326757 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [20] 326758 0
Organisation accreditation. This question is part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [20] 326758 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [21] 326759 0
Team climate. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [21] 326759 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [22] 326760 0
Perceived team effectiveness. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables
Timepoint [22] 326760 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [23] 326761 0
Continuing education. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables.
Timepoint [23] 326761 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [24] 326762 0
Skills and qualifications. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables.
Timepoint [24] 326762 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [25] 326763 0
Implementation of evidence-based practice. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables.
Timepoint [25] 326763 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [26] 326764 0
Commitment to quality improvement. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables.
Timepoint [26] 326764 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [27] 326765 0
Staff performance management. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure system variables.
Timepoint [27] 326765 0
50% of clients have been recruited from centre
Secondary outcome [28] 326766 0
Demographics and social functioning. These questions are part of a survey designed specifically for this study to measure client variables.
Timepoint [28] 326766 0
3 months post-recruitment

Key inclusion criteria
(i) aged 18 years or older; (ii) presenting for new episode of treatment at the participating service; (iii) have nominated alcohol as their primary drug of concern; (iv) have used alcohol in the past 30 days; (v) have not previously been enrolled in the study in the last 6 months; and (vi) have a telephone contact number.

All staff from participating centres will be invited to contribute to the study if they are employed in the alcohol treatment clinic and are involved in providing direct patient care.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
Additionally, the study is focusing on those treatment centres community-based providing alcohol treatment to adults. Centres are ineligible if they are services that provide withdrawal only, residential rehabilitation only, detoxification services only and/or treat less than 50 clients for alcohol as primary drug of concern in 12 months (or approximately less than 75 episodes). Participants under the age of 18 have been excluded as they are unable to give informed consent. While non­-English speaking groups represent an important segment within the target population, translation costs for study materials will make it cost prohibitive to include this group in the current study.

Study design
Defined population
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 294084 0
Government body
Name [1] 294084 0
National Health and Medical Research Council
Country [1] 294084 0
Primary sponsor type
The University of Newcastle
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308
Secondary sponsor category [1] 292914 0
Name [1] 292914 0
Address [1] 292914 0
Country [1] 292914 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 295500 0
Hunter New England Hunman Research Ethics Committe
Ethics committee address [1] 295500 0
Ethics committee country [1] 295500 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 295500 0
Approval date [1] 295500 0
Ethics approval number [1] 295500 0
16/05/18/4.07/ HREC/16/HNE/193

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 67270 0
Prof Robert Sanson-Fisher
Address 67270 0
W4 HMRI Building University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308
Country 67270 0
Phone 67270 0
Fax 67270 0
Email 67270 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 67271 0
Megan Freund
Address 67271 0
W4 HMRI Building University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308
Country 67271 0
Phone 67271 0
Fax 67271 0
Email 67271 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 67272 0
Robert Sanson-Fisher
Address 67272 0
W4 HMRI Building University of Newcastle University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308
Country 67272 0
Phone 67272 0
Fax 67272 0
Email 67272 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.