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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Improving infant and young child feeding practices: Assessing the effectiveness of breastfeeding promotion program (randomized controlled trial) using mobile phone as a communications tools in Yangon and nearby regions, Myanmar.
Scientific title
Improving infant feeding practices of women in Yangon region: A randomized controlled trial of a mobile phone communications intervention and evaluation of its effectiveness in Myanmar.
Secondary ID [1] 285930 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
‘M’ means mobile/mother and the term ‘528’stands for the bonding between mother and baby in Burmese culture.
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Breastfeeding 293857 0
Malnutrition 293858 0
Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices 293940 0
Condition category
Condition code
Public Health 294160 294160 0 0
Health promotion/education
Reproductive Health and Childbirth 294161 294161 0 0
Breast feeding
Diet and Nutrition 294162 294162 0 0
Other diet and nutrition disorders

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
M 528 intervention group.
Duration of intervention will be from 28 -34 weeks of gestation (women can be any gestation week between 28-34 weeks as per inclusion criteria) until 6 months of child age. The intervention group will receive 3 times SMS (short message service) per week to their mobile phones. The type of SMS messages and frequency received will depend on women’s enrolled group, gestation age and child age. The M528 group will receive breastfeeding promotion related SMS messages. We will monitor women delivery date by sending reminder sms once a week from 36 weeks of gestation onwards to women’s phone & women will send back message to us (interactive sms) if they deliver. Assume that not all women will reply via sms if they deliver, we will capture women delivery dates via hospital registry data or direct phone calls to women or family. Follow-up phone calls will be made to motivate/educate exclusive breast feeding practices at 1, 3 and 5months after delivery. To assess outcomes measures (both primary and secondary), phone calls will be made at 1, 3, 5 and 6 months after delivery .
Intervention code [1] 290905 0
Intervention code [2] 290907 0
Intervention code [3] 290908 0
Comparator / control treatment
Treatment as Usual ( TaU ) group
Duration of control group will be same as intervention group. The TaU group will receive 1 time SMS (short message service) per week to their mobile phones. TAU group will receive non breastfeeding related SMS messages involving pregnancy and child care topics. We will monitor women delivery date by sending reminder sms once a week from 36 weeks of gestation onwards to women’s phone & women will send back message to us (interactive sms) if they deliver. Assume that not all women will reply via sms if they deliver, we will capture women delivery dates via hospital registry data or direct phone calls to women or family. To assess outcomes measures (both primary and secondary), phone calls will be made at 1, 3, 5 and 6 months after delivery.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 293952 0
The primary outcome is exclusive breastfeeding rate of women during sixth month after delivery. Primary outcome will be measured by interview/questionnaire by monthly phone calls by trained phone callers from 1 to 6 months of child age ( each woman will receive 6 times phone callings regardless of their assigned group). The outcome data will be data collected by phone with a questionnaire and responses are recorded in the tablet. We will also assess feeding status. The qualitative data (interview or focus group discussion) will be used to understand more about the reasons for their feeding pattern. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [1] 293952 0
Time point: during the sixth month after delivery ( Pregnant women will be recruited at 28-32 weeks of gestation,estimated 8-9 months after randomization .) .
Secondary outcome [1] 312223 0
Secondary Outcome 1: early initiation of breastfeeding rate within 1 hour after birth. This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 1 month after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [1] 312223 0
Time point 1: at 1 month after delivery
Secondary outcome [2] 312224 0
Secondary Outcome 2: exclusive breastfeeding rate at one and three months after delivery . This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 1 and 3 months after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June 2013 .
Timepoint [2] 312224 0
Timepoint 2: at one and three months after delivery.
Secondary outcome [3] 312225 0
Secondary Outcome 3 median duration of exclusive breastfeeding rate. This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 5 months after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [3] 312225 0
Timepoint3: at five months after delivery
Secondary outcome [4] 312226 0
Secondary Outcome4: predominant and other type of breastfeeding rates at one, three and five months after delivery. This outcome is a composite outcome and will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 1,3,5 and 6 months after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [4] 312226 0
Timepoint4: at one, three, five and six months after delivery
Secondary outcome [5] 312227 0
Secondary Outcome 5: rate of infant receiving bottle feeding at one, three, five and six months after delivery. This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 1,3,5 and 6 months after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [5] 312227 0
Timepoint5: at one, three, five and six months after delivery
Secondary outcome [6] 312228 0
Secondary Outcome 6: rate of children receiving early introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods at one, three and five months after delivery. This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone calls to women in both groups at 1,3 and 5 months after delivery. We will have pre- tested questionnaire to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. The outcome data will be collected by phone interview of the mothers with a questionnaire. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 .
Timepoint [6] 312228 0
Time point6: at one, three and five months after delivery
Secondary outcome [7] 312408 0
Secondary Outcome 7: Proportion of women from intervention group satisfying use of mobile phone as a communication tools to receive breastfeeding promotional messages. This secondary outcome will be measured by means of phone survey to women in intervention group at 6 months after delivery by assessing quality of user experiences. We will have pre- tested survey/interview questionnaires to assess outcome & callers will be trained and quality assurance is ensured. Qualities of user experiences will be measured as women’s acceptability, comprehension on message receive, new information learned and reported behavior changed,etc. The questionnaire has been designed specifically for this study after thorough literature search. It is adopted from MICS (multiple indicator cluster survey, Myanmar), UNICEF/WHO survey, census questionnaires for some demographic questions, questionnaires used in master thesis by principal investigator, formative research study conducted by principal investigator with pregnant women at the study hospital in June2013 . We also adopted assessment/survey conducted on M health internationally including China, Malawi, etc.
Timepoint [7] 312408 0
Timepoint 7: at six months after delivery

Key inclusion criteria
- Pregnant mother visiting antenatal clinic, Central Women Hospital, Yangon, Myanmar
- 28-34 weeks gestation
- Have mobile android or java mobile phone which can read Myanmar font ( access to mobile phone)
- Have uncomplicated and single fetus,
- No known medical disease, intention to breastfeed,
- Plan to give birth at CWH,
- Able to read and write ,
- Live in Yangon or cities with mobile network coverage,
- Give consent to participate
Minimum age
15 Years
Maximum age
49 Years
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
- Infant weight less than 2000 grams
- Infant with birth defect which may hinder sucking of breast milk
- Infant admit to intensive care unit (ICU) after delivery
- Women who decline to participate.

Study design
Purpose of the study
Educational / counselling / training
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Study site observation has been conducted in November, 2014 and Central Women Hospital , Yangon is chosen because it is the largest tertiary women hospital in Myanmar. Ante- natal clinic ( ANC) opens from Monday to Friday , 8-12 am and average 100-120 women visit antenatal clinic each day.
On the day of recruitment, based on inclusion criteria registration, research team will filter potential participants from attendance registry book or women antenatal care card with the help of nurses or admin staff from clinic. Then, the team will approach eligible women waiting at the waiting area of AN clinic, explain nature of study in details & give information statement written in Burmese. If women agree to participate, will take informed consent and ask questionnaires by using tablet. It is estimated that average 12-18 women could be recruited per day and we will recruit 344 women. Recruiting women will be allocated into two groups called M 528 intervention group ( M stands for mobile phone and 528 reflects the bonding between and baby) and TaU ( treatment as Usual) group.
Assignment and allocation will be randomized to reduce bias and neither of the women or research team members know who will belong to the intervention or control group. Only after enrolled woman starts answering the survey questions, a team member will open opaque and sealed envelope, draw a piece of paper which determine woman’s assigned group. Third party will prepare that envelope.
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
By using computer generated software, randomization is done. Numbers for intervention and control groups are generated in random number . We assume that average 15 women could be recruited per day and numbers are calculated and tried to be balanced for each day-i.e.; women will be assigned equally to both intervention and control group each day.
Masking / blinding
Blinded (masking used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

The people assessing the outcomes
Intervention assignment
Other design features
Not Applicable
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
To calculate the required sample size in determining the primary and secondary outcomes, we ran a STATA program using two sample populations test. It is assumed that the percentage of women from the intervention group exclusively breastfeeding their infants in their sixth month of life will be doubled (30%) compared to the control group receiving usual program (15%). That figure 15% is based on the national data, exclusive breastfeeding rate at 4-5 months of child age, collected in 2010 ( MICS) . To detect the difference in two groups at 80% power and 5% level of significance, a sample size of 156 subjects per group, a total of 312 participants, is needed. However, to allow for attrition and loss at follow-up, the study will recruit additional 10 percent more participants (ie. 16 participants) and this sample size will be more than sufficient. This will take the total sample to about 344 in initial recruitment. In this situation, a sample size of 172 participants per group (intervention and control) in intervention stage after taking in account of loss to follow up will be adequate to explore differences amongst the groups.
Statistical analysis,
Analysis will be by ‘Intention to Treat’ analysis. Data on screening, refusals and drop-out will be coded and reported as per standard guidelines. STATA will be used for all analyses.
Baseline characteristics between treatment groups will be examined to check that randomization and equally allocated potential confounding factors across the treatment groups. Primary analyses will compare the proportion of children exclusively breastfed at 6 months and will use chi-square tests and 95% confidence intervals to test for differences between treatment groups. Similar analyses will be done to the secondary outcomes such as early initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth and exclusive breastfeeding , predominant breastfeeding and other types of breastfeeding, bottle feeding, timing of introduction of complementary feeding at 1,3,5 and 6 months. Survival analysis will be used to compare (the duration of EBF between the treatment groups. Multiple logistic regressions will be applied to assess differences in infant feeding practices.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment outside Australia
Country [1] 6583 0
State/province [1] 6583 0
Yangon region

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 290517 0
Name [1] 290517 0
Sydney Medical School Foundation , University of Sydney
Country [1] 290517 0
Primary sponsor type
Dr. Myat Pan Hmone @ Crystal
Room128C, Edward Ford Building A27,
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Secondary sponsor category [1] 289211 0
Name [1] 289211 0
Address [1] 289211 0
Country [1] 289211 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 292167 0
Ethical Review Committee, Department of Medical Research( Lower Myanmar). The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Health.
Ethics committee address [1] 292167 0
Ethics committee country [1] 292167 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 292167 0
Approval date [1] 292167 0
Ethics approval number [1] 292167 0
7/ Ethics 2014

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes
Attachments [1] 272 272 0 0
Attachments [2] 273 273 0 0

Principal investigator
Name 53874 0
Dr Myat Pan Hmone
Address 53874 0
Room 128 C, Edward Ford Building, A 27. School of Public Health, Sydney Medical School. The University of Sydney , NSW ,2006, AUSTRALIA
Country 53874 0
Phone 53874 0
+612 93514803
Fax 53874 0
Email 53874 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 53875 0
Myat Pan Hmone
Address 53875 0
Room 128 C, Edward Ford Building, A 27. School of Public Health, Sydney Medical School. The University of Sydney , NSW ,2006, AUSTRALIA
Country 53875 0
Phone 53875 0
+612 93514803
Fax 53875 0
Email 53875 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 53876 0
Michael J Dibley
Address 53876 0
Room 307A, Edward Ford Building (A27) , School of Public Health, Sydney Medical School. The University of Sydney , NSW ,2006, AUSTRALIA
Country 53876 0
Phone 53876 0
+61 2 9351 3620
Fax 53876 0
+61 2 9351 5049
Email 53876 0

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SourceTitleYear of PublicationDOI
EmbaseTailored text messages to improve breastfeeding practices in Yangon, Myanmar: the M528 individually randomized controlled trial.2023
N.B. These documents automatically identified may not have been verified by the study sponsor.