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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Date results provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
PACE Telehealth (Pain Activity and Coping Education): A Pilot program to investigate the feasibility of a contemporary model of interdisciplinary chronic pain management using group “Face to Face” interventions combined with individual Telehealth mentoring for young people and their parents.
Scientific title
PACE Telehealth (Pain Activity and Coping Education): A Pilot program to investigate the feasibility of a contemporary model of interdisciplinary chronic pain management using group “Face to Face” interventions combined with individual Telehealth mentoring for young people (11-17) and their parents to assess physical and psychological function, school attendance and parent impact.
Secondary ID [1] 283832 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
PACE Telehealth (Pain Activity and Coping Education):
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Persistent Pain 290810 0
Condition category
Condition code
Anaesthesiology 291589 291589 0 0
Pain management
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation 292188 292188 0 0
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation 292189 292189 0 0
Occupational therapy

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
PACE is a structured (Cognitive Behavioural) CBT pain intervention involving:
Week One - The child and one parent or guardian will attend a 7 hour group workshop at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). Adults and children will participate in sessions in seperate rooms with up to 7 other participants and two staff members. Topics will include: The Neuroscience of Pain, Cognitive Strategies, Activity Management & Exercise, School, Communication, Mindfulness, Sleep, Flare Up and Set Back Planning and Where to From Here?
Week 2 to 5 - The family will be allocated a "key-worker" who is either the program physiotherapist, occupational therapist or clinical psychologist. The child and their parent or guardian will have seperate, individualised weekly Telehealth support sessions of up to 30 minutes with their keyworker. These will include a video link similar to Skype. These sessions will reinforce topics and skills learnt in the workshop. The three program therapists will meet weekly to discuss the participant's progress and provide interdisciplinary support. Children who score over clinical thresholds on the Revised Children Anxiety and Depression Scale will be allocated a clinical psychologist as their keyworker.
Week 7 - the child and their parent/guardian will attend a 4 hour review at PMH
The treatment team will be led by a physiotherapist and included a Clinical Psychologist and Occupational Therapist. All treatment will have a strong Cognitive Behavioural framework and there will be strong "cross-linking" between disciplines.
The children will be asked to complete charts related to activity management, cognitive strategies and flare up and set back planning. These will be monitored in the Telehealth sessions. Parents will be monitored by verbal questioning with the emphasis on supporting skills aquisition.
Intervention code [1] 288853 0
Treatment: Other
Intervention code [2] 289327 0
Intervention code [3] 289328 0
Comparator / control treatment
Standard Care will constitute individual “face to face” consultations of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology and will continue for as long as determined necessary by the individual therapists.
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 291594 0
Change in Bath Adolescent Pain Questionnaire
Timepoint [1] 291594 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Primary outcome [2] 291595 0
Change in Functional Disability Index score
Timepoint [2] 291595 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Primary outcome [3] 291596 0
Change in BAPQ Parent Impact Questionnaire
Timepoint [3] 291596 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 &11
Secondary outcome [1] 307136 0
Change in Child Self Efficacy Scale.
Timepoint [1] 307136 0
Baseline and Week 7 and 11
Secondary outcome [2] 307137 0
Change in Fear of Pain Questionnaire
Timepoint [2] 307137 0
Baseline and Week 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [3] 307138 0
Change in sleep question from PROMIS
Timepoint [3] 307138 0
Baseline and Week 7 &11
Secondary outcome [4] 307139 0
Change in Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale
Timepoint [4] 307139 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [5] 307140 0
Role Function – School Attendance - change in hours attaended school in the last two weeks
Timepoint [5] 307140 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [6] 307141 0
Economic Impact (Travel and Time) The travel and time demands on the family related to attending appointments
Timepoint [6] 307141 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [7] 307142 0
Global Satisfaction using scale as described in IMMPACT guidelines for paediaric pain research
Timepoint [7] 307142 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [8] 307143 0
Average pain over the last two weeks using a visual analogue scale.
Timepoint [8] 307143 0
Baseline and Weeks 7 & 11
Secondary outcome [9] 307144 0
Qualitative feedback using questionnaire to ask what aspects of intervention worked best and least and what could be done to improve the intervention.
Timepoint [9] 307144 0
Baseline and Week 11

Key inclusion criteria
*Age 11 to 17 years old.
*Experience pain on average at least 4 days a week.
*Pain present for greater than 3 months (includes Chronic Widespread Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Functional Abdominal Pain).
*Under the care of a medical specialist at Princess Margaret Hospital and untreated pathology (other than their chronic pain syndrome) excluded.
*One adult family member willing to participate.
*No major changes in the patient’s medical management anticipated in the next four months.
*Family have access to phone, Internet and e-mails at their home, community health centre or other convenient location.
Minimum age
11 Years
Maximum age
17 Years
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
*High dependency on analgesic medication.
*Fatigue as their primary symptom.
*Current or previous treatment for cancer.
*Pain explained by identified pathological process (eg rheumatological disease or inflammatory bowel disease).
*Language barriers or hearing, literacy or learning difficulties that would affect the patient or parent’s ability to comprehend the principles taught on the Program.
*Co-existing psychiatric or psychosocial issues were considered more relevant to the patient’s reduced function than their pain was.
*Significant mental health disorder including Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis, active suicidality or Eating Disorders.
*Documented developmental delay.
*Currently participating in other rehabilitation program or cognitive behavioural therapy.

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Following the completion of consent forms the participant will be given a research code and asked to complete the Functional Disability Index (FDI).

After completing the FDI the participant will be randomly allocated to either Group 1 (Standard Care) or Group 2 (PACE). It will be assumed that participants with similar degrees of physical function will have similar potential to respond clinically. Therefore, in order to ensure randomisation and obtain equivalent groups based on functional limitation, a matched allocation process will occur. To be a match, the participant has to be within the same category of physical function as assessed by the score on the FDI. These categories are No/Minimal Disability category (6-12), Moderate Disability category (13–29) and Severe Disability category (30+).

After the FDI assessment an independent person will draw a marble from a concealed bag containing 24 white marbles (indicating Group 1) and 24 coloured marbles (indicating Group 2). Once selected, the marble will not be replaced in the bag. This process will not occur if the participant constituted a match for a previously enrolled participant. If on enrolment the participant constitutes a match for a previously enrolled participant, they will be assigned to the group that does not include their match and the corresponding marble to their group allocation will be removed from the bag to maintain the probability.

Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Other design features
Not Applicable
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Stopped early
Data analysis
Data analysis is complete
Reason for early stopping/withdrawal
Other reasons/comments
Other reasons
The decision to stop recruitment early was made when a higher than expected level of disability was identified in both streams. Our clinical reasoning that was informed by a) evidence-based guidelines that recommend interventions of at least 60 hrs for individuals presenting with high levels of disability and distress,24 and b) comparison of participant disability levels to 5 published studies of chil- dren with chronic pain summarized by Gauntlett-Gilbert and Eccleston.25 The authors reported FDI values varying from 11.3 to 26.3. The functional disability in the study cohort was considered high in comparison (Standard Care median 27 (18 -41), Hybrid PIIPP median 28.5 (18–45)). The 14.5 hr Hybrid-PIPP intervention was determined to be too brief for the study cohort. At the time that the protocol was developed there was no funding allocated to interdisciplinary pediatric pain management in the health service where the study took place. During the study, funding for an intensive pain program became avail- able. Recruitment was stopped at this time because it was considered unethical to continue if a more intensive option was available. This decision was affirmed when the out- come data were analyzed, and no clinically significant improvement was seen in either stream.
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 2173 0
Princess Margaret Hospital - Subiaco
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 7854 0
6008 - Subiaco

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 288830 0
Name [1] 288830 0
Princess Margaret Hospital Allied Health Telethon Fellowship
Country [1] 288830 0
Primary sponsor type
Anna Hilyard
Physiotherapy Department
Princess Margaret Hospital
Hay St
WA 6008
Secondary sponsor category [1] 287524 0
Name [1] 287524 0
Address [1] 287524 0
Country [1] 287524 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 290670 0
PMH Human Reserach Ethics Committee
Ethics committee address [1] 290670 0
Ethics committee country [1] 290670 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 290670 0
Approval date [1] 290670 0
Ethics approval number [1] 290670 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 45258 0
Ms Anna Hilyard
Address 45258 0
Physiotherapy Department Princess Margaret Hopsital Hay St Subiaco WA 6008
Country 45258 0
Phone 45258 0
+61 8 93408035
Fax 45258 0
Email 45258 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 45259 0
Anna Hilyard
Address 45259 0
Physiotherapy Department Princess Margaret Hopsital Hay St Subiaco WA 6008
Country 45259 0
Phone 45259 0
+61 8 93408035
Fax 45259 0
Email 45259 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 45260 0
Anna Hilyard
Address 45260 0
Physiotherapy Department Princess Margaret Hopsital Hay St Subiaco WA 6008
Country 45260 0
Phone 45260 0
+61 8 93408035
Fax 45260 0
Email 45260 0

Data sharing statement
Will the study consider sharing individual participant data?
No IPD sharing reason/comment: Ethics approval will not allow data sharing

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.