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The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been endorsed by the ANZCTR. Before participating in a study, talk to your health care provider and refer to this information for consumers
Trial details imported from

For full trial details, please see the original record at

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated

Titles & IDs
Public title
Prognostic Study of Sentinel Lymph Node and Bone Marrow Metastases in Women With Stage I or Stage IIA Breast Cancer
Scientific title
A Prognostic Study of Sentinel Node and Bone Marrow Micrometastases in Women With Clinical T1-2 N0 Breast Cancer
Secondary ID [1] 0 0
Secondary ID [2] 0 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Breast Cancer 0 0
Condition category
Condition code
Cancer 0 0 0 0

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
Experimental: Surgery + radiotherapy + adjuvant therapy - Patients undergo bilateral anterior iliac crest bone marrow aspiration to test for presence of micrometastases. Patients then undergo breast-conserving therapy comprising segmental mastectomy and sentinel lymph node dissection (SLND) with planned postoperative whole-breast radiotherapy and systemic adjuvant therapy. The SLND comprises ipsilateral axillary sentinel node identification and histopathology.

Patients with no sentinel node identified intraoperatively and patients with sentinel node metastasis identified by hematoxylin and eosin (H\&E) who choose not to be registered to ACOSOG-Z0011 undergo axillary lymph node dissection involving removal of at least level I and II nodes.

All patients undergo whole-breast radiotherapy (excluding a supraclavicular field) 5 days a week for a maximum of 8 weeks.

Patients are followed at 30 days; at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months; and then annually until 10 years after surgery.

Comparator / control treatment
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 0 0
Overall survival
Timepoint [1] 0 0
Up to 10 years
Secondary outcome [1] 0 0
Disease-free survival
Timepoint [1] 0 0
Up to 10 years
Secondary outcome [2] 0 0
Axillary recurrence following detection of negative SN with H&E staining in women who did not have an ALND
Timepoint [2] 0 0
Up to 10 years

Key inclusion criteria
1. Patient must be female.
2. Patient's clinical stage must be I or II (T1 or T2 N0 M0) and the tumor must be amenable to segmental mastectomy (lumpectomy).
3. Patient must have a tissue diagnosis of invasive breast carcinoma. Note: A patient can be registered to this study if they have a cytologic diagnosis suggestive of carcinoma from a fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a palpable or non-palpable breast lesion and the investigator believes the breast lesion is clinically suspicious for invasive breast carcinoma.
4. The date of the patient's first tissue diagnosis of invasive breast carcinoma or cytologic diagnosis of breast carcinoma must be no more than 60 days prior to SLND.
5. The patient who had segmental mastectomy (lumpectomy) performed previously, and is now referred to the local investigator for SLND, is eligible if the lumpectomy was less than or equal to 60 days prior to the SLND. Copies of the operative and pathology reports must be submitted as a part of the registration process.
6. Patient must have ECOG/Zubrod status of =2, as documented in patient's medical record.
7. Patient must be available for follow-up.
8. The patient with a history of a previous malignancy is eligible for this study as long as the patient meets the following criteria for a cancer survivor. A cancer survivor is eligible provided that the following criteria are met:

1. The patient has undergone potentially curative therapy for all prior malignancies.
2. There has been no evidence of any prior malignancies for at least five years with no evidence of recurrence (except for effectively treated basal cell or squamous carcinoma of the skin, carcinoma in-situ of the cervix that has been effectively treated by surgery alone, or lobular carcinoma in-situ of the ipsilateral or contralateral breast treated by surgery alone), and
3. The patient is deemed by their treating physician to be at low risk for recurrence from prior malignancies.
9. Signed and dated informed consent is obtained prior to patient registration.
10. Patients of childbearing potential must have a negative serum or urine pregnancy test within 14 days of beginning study interventions.
11. Patient must be able to physically undergo bilateral anterior iliac crest bone marrow aspiration.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. Patient is lactating (breastfeeding).
2. Patient has been previously treated with chemotherapy, estrogen receptor antagonists (i.e. Tamoxifen) or selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs, i.e. Raloxifene) for this invasive breast cancer.
3. Patient has a previously placed pre-pectoral breast implant. NOTE: A subpectoral implant is allowed.
4. Patient is considered a poor surgical risk due to a non-malignant systemic disease (cardiovascular, renal, etc.), which would preclude the treatment options.
5. Patient has concurrent bilateral invasive breast malignancies.
6. Patient is not able to undergo and does not have access to radiation therapy as describedin Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in the Interventions section of the protocol.

Patients with active connective tissue disorders and those that live too far from a radiation treatment center, for example, would not be eligible.
7. Patient has clinically and radiologically identified multi-centric disease that is not amenable to a single lumpectomy.
8. Patient has had previous ipsilateral axillary surgery such as excisional biopsy of lymph node(s), treatment of hidradenitis.

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Not applicable
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Masking / blinding
Open (masking not used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?

Intervention assignment
Single group
Other design features
Phase 3
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis

Recruitment status
Data analysis
Reason for early stopping/withdrawal
Other reasons
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 0 0
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute - East Melbourne
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 0 0
8006 - East Melbourne
Recruitment outside Australia
Country [1] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [1] 0 0
Country [2] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [2] 0 0
Country [3] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [3] 0 0
Country [4] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [4] 0 0
Country [5] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [5] 0 0
Country [6] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [6] 0 0
Country [7] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [7] 0 0
Country [8] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [8] 0 0
District of Columbia
Country [9] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [9] 0 0
Country [10] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [10] 0 0
Country [11] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [11] 0 0
Country [12] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [12] 0 0
Country [13] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [13] 0 0
Country [14] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [14] 0 0
Country [15] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [15] 0 0
Country [16] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [16] 0 0
Country [17] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [17] 0 0
Country [18] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [18] 0 0
Country [19] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [19] 0 0
Country [20] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [20] 0 0
Country [21] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [21] 0 0
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United States of America
State/province [22] 0 0
Country [23] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [23] 0 0
Country [24] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [24] 0 0
New Hampshire
Country [25] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [25] 0 0
New Jersey
Country [26] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [26] 0 0
New York
Country [27] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [27] 0 0
North Carolina
Country [28] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [28] 0 0
Country [29] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [29] 0 0
Country [30] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [30] 0 0
Rhode Island
Country [31] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [31] 0 0
Country [32] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [32] 0 0
Country [33] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [33] 0 0
Country [34] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [34] 0 0
Country [35] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [35] 0 0
Country [36] 0 0
United States of America
State/province [36] 0 0
Country [37] 0 0
State/province [37] 0 0
Country [38] 0 0
State/province [38] 0 0

Funding & Sponsors
Primary sponsor type
Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology
Other collaborator category [1] 0 0
Government body
Name [1] 0 0
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Address [1] 0 0
Country [1] 0 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 0 0
Armando E. Giuliano, MD
Address 0 0
Saint John's Cancer Institute
Country 0 0
Phone 0 0
Fax 0 0
Email 0 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 0 0
Address 0 0
Country 0 0
Phone 0 0
Fax 0 0
Email 0 0
Contact person for scientific queries

No information has been provided regarding IPD availability

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents