Two new features to improve how clinical trial results and documents are reported

The ANZCTR has introduced two key features to improve the reporting of trial results to the public:

  • Automatic integration: published trial methods and results are automatically displayed in the trial record when they include the registration number, with information sourced from reputable medical databases, and
  • Simplified recording of trial documents: study sponsors can easily add new or unpublished trial documents to their trial records, ensuring trial records are a more complete and up to date resource.

These changes allow investigators to share:

  • Trial protocols, data dictionaries and statistical analysis plans (via citation, DOI, or file upload),
  • Basic summaries of participant baseline data and trial results (using the Results Reporting Template), and
  • "Plain language" summaries by describing key trial results to the public.

26,000 studies registered on the ANZCTR

The ANZCTR now lists over 26,000 studies, and combined with, provides access to information on more than 38,000 studies via the Search page. For real-time ANZCTR statistics, visit our Statistics tool.